Watch out for Sandy

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
Just when you thought the hurricane season was all but over, and we got lucky again, along comes Sandy.
It's a little early to tell yet, but it appears that Sandy may stay closer to the North American coast than first thought. It looks like it may soak parts of Florida. How close it may come to us and at what strength remains to be seen.
It was 0C (32F) when I got up this AM so let's hope Sandy doesn't like the cold temps and cold water when he/she gets here - if he/she gets here.
We are already getting fast moving showers from Sandy. Tomorrow will be our worst day. It will be blustery weather with fast more fast moving showers. The hurricane center predicts we will get an inch / 22.54 cm of rain. That is certainly no big deal. Now up the Atlantic coast, it may well be a different story.
If it takes one predicted course it will make landfall around Cape May, New Jersey. In that case New York City will get nailed and Pittsburgh could get a major SNOW storm!! It's way too early for snow at all let alone a ton of it! :eek:

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The weather report here this morning was warning of possible heavy snow storms in the northeast and the radio was talking about the latest version of the Perfect Storm along the northeast coast.
The weather report here this morning was warning of possible heavy snow storms in the northeast and the radio was talking about the latest version of the Perfect Storm along the northeast coast.

Wonderful....and we are enjoying a beautiful indian summer right now. It was in the 70s yesterday and today.

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Our winds are 15 mph with higher gusts right now. Fast moving, brief rain showers. The winds will increase and we will get more frequent showers through tonight and all day tomorrow. This weather makes me appreciate my F-350 dually. :y2:

C onfidence is growing that Sandy will be a major threat to portions of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast.

Though we feel that it's likely Sandy will hit some portion of the Northeast or Mid-Atlantic coast, there remains uncertainty with where this occurs and the exact magnitude of the impacts. The forecast involves a rare, complex atmospheric setup that will allow the system to pivot back to the northwest into the region rather than simply moving out to sea.

Where exactly this pivot back to the west or northwest occurs will dictate where the worst of the potential impacts ultimately hit. That said, Sandy will have a large wind field and therefore impacts will stretch across a wide area well away from where Sandy eventually moves inland.

What kind of impacts are we talking about?

Destructive winds, heavy rain, major coastal flooding and beach erosion would pummel portions of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions between later Sunday and Tuesday of next week. Of course, the high winds would extend inland, with the potential for downed trees and powerlines. Widespread

This setup could even wrap in just enough cold air on its western edge to produce wet snow, possibly heavy, in some parts of the central Appalachians (mountains of West Virginia and Pennsylvania).

Residents from New England to New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia should remain vigilant and be prepared to take action in the next few days.

Heavy wet snow!!! :-(

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Yes, it now looks like Sandy will give us some heavy rain and gusting winds on Monday or Tuesday, but neither is expected to be destructive. Reports this AM say it has turned into a major storm and strength and arrival here is still uncertain.
All we can do is sit and wait and hope for the best SAD
Maybe I should get some gasoline for my generator and coleman fuel for my coleman lamps?'re more used to this type of thing than I am.....any suggestions for things I may need if the power is out for any length of time?

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At least ten gallons of gasoline for your generator. Ten gallons last me a day and half. I get 20 gallons. I can always dump it in a car if I don't use it.
Fuel for lamps/lanterns. We use kerosene lamps.
Drinking water and a water supply for flushing toilets.We fill the bath tub up and we have the pool.
Canned goods for food. It you have a generator and keep your refrigerator going, get some easily microwave meals. Bread for sandwiches.
Batteries for flashlights and portable radios.
Fuel all of your vehicles.
Thanks.....I guess I need more generator gas than I thought and the food suggestions are good.

I think I am OK on cooking (natural gas) and water is city water (no electricity needed). I do have batteries and I have coleman gas lamps. I will just go nuts with no TV or Internet!!

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From experience, city water won't last very long, get 1 gallon per day per person and figure on 1 week without utilities.

If you get canned food be sure you have a manual can opener.

Try to start your generator tonight or tomorrow to make sure it runs. Fuel, 20 gallons as a minimum. If you run out there will not be any available locally and with snow traveling outside the storm area to buy more will not be feasible.

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I am sure the generator starts as I used it just a couple weeks ago.

I'm curious why city water would run out? Remember I live in the Appalachian foothills where the water towers are way up there and gravity forces us to have to have water pressure reducers.

Now that I think about it I know of a couple artisian wells for fresh clean mountain water.

My Ford F350 4x4 dually will get me through the deepest snow

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You have to pump the water up to the water towers and pumps have a way of failing in bad weather.

You will also be battling all the folks that didn't get gas before the storm.

Going into one of these storms expect and prepare for the worse and hope for the best.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
Yeah...I'm planning on getting gasoline and diesel before the storm.

I have days before we know what route this will go so I'll be watching to see if it's really going to get bad here.

Thanks for the advice and natural disasters are extremely rare around here.

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An additional consideration would be heating. If you have a central heat unit and lose AC power to your home, it is likely that your furnace will not light unless the blower is running. (a "sail switch" proves to the gas burner that the fan will move the hot air)

I you go with a fuel fired space heater you will need to insure adequate ventilation to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
I am pretty screwed on the heating thing.....natural gas heat with a hot water boiler. The hot water won't circulate without electricity to the water pump.

We are already getting the rain today. They are predicting 6 inches of rain when Sandy hits causing floods in the low lying areas. Luckily I'm on very high ground.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

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