OK, I'm coming in very late here and of course, I live in a 3rd world country a universe away from the US. But here's the thing: I'm severely allergic to kiwi-fruit, honeydews and sweet melon - if I injest a drop of the juice from any of these, I go into full anaphylactic shock and have less than 20 mins to get medical assistance - epipens are amazing little devices. And if it weren't for a doctor correctly diagnosing the allergy the FIRST time round, I don't know if I'd be here right now.
None of us here on this forum are doctors so nobody here can give you a medical reason as to why you react the way you do to bee/insect stings - the ONLY profession that can accurately diagnose, advise and prescribe for this very odd malady, is, sadly for you, the medical profession. If you don't like the doctor treating you, change doctors.
But here's something for you to think about! This is the first time I'm coming out in public so to speak abouth this, so bear with me!
One evening in March this year, I found a little lump in my chest. It was small and innocuous but alarm bells went off and I went to my doctor the very next morning. He pushed me in as his first patient ahead of all existing appointments, examined me and sent me straight down to radiology. By the time I took the elevator down 3 floors to radiology, the entire mammography team was waiting for me. Again, I was given priority treatment and pushed ahead of everyone. Sure enough, the mammographer wasn't happy with the lump either so I was once again, I was given priority treatment for an immediate full biopsy! Within a few days the results came in - it was a malignant lump and I had to have an immediate mastectomy. Within 2 weeks from discovery to diagnosis, I'd undergone nuclear heart scans, bone density tests, organ scans, lymph gland biopsies - the works. The only reason why there was 2 weeks between discovery and operation, was because I'm self employed and had to get a back-up staff contingent into place immediately.
I have had NOTHING BUT THE BEST care and treatment from start to finish - from the surgeon to the oncologist to the chemo team, the radiation therapist and finally, with the specialist reconstructive surgeon.
These doctors saved my life - the cancerous tumour was within 1milimetre of entering the bone (rib) and had this happened, I would not be here today typing this note. I have no fear of death, however my love of life is stronger than my complacency towards death!
I'm clear now and in TOTAL remission but had it not been for all the doctors and specialists involved, I wouldn't be here.
So for what it's worth, go to a doctor, get checked out and if you're not happy with your doctor, get a second opinion. When you go looking for a bike, you don't buy the first one you see, you try a few out until you find the one that you're happy with. Same goes for doctors!
I realise it was a generalisation, however to label doctors as quacks, I personally feel that that is a bit harsh - there are charletans in every profession. Thing is, doctors save more lives than destroy or take lives.
Go get your malady checked out! If I'd just ignored the lump and 'waited it out', well I don't want to contemplate the consequences of that.