Wanna hear a very wierd physical malady I have?

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I think that is very unfair to say the least. As I said I am convinced doctors saved my life when I got bitten from some insect. And I'm quite sure my Brother is no quack, but an extremely learned man that puts in unbelievable hours. He could retire any day he wants, but wants to keep helping people until he can't do it anymore. He knew immediately why you were affected only in one hand from a simple text message. It's not fair to paint all doctors with such a broad brush.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
I think that is very unfair to say the least. As I said I am convinced doctors saved my life when I got bitten from some insect. And I'm quite sure my Brother is no quack, but an extremely learned man that puts in unbelievable hours. He could retire any day he wants, but wants to keep helping people until he can't do it anymore. He knew immediately why you were affected only in one hand from a simple text message. It's not fair to paint all doctors with such a broad brush.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

I wholeheartedly agree
Even dealing only with public hospital doctors I have only met a very small minority whom I felt weren't 100% on the ball, but they were always under supervision anyway.
Personally, without the interference of doctors in my life, I wouldn't be typing this now.
No disrespect meant to the good ones. I was just generalizing, and in general the medical system itself is horrendous from my POV and everyone i know seems to feel the same. Maybe it's worse here. I can tell you this much....the vast majority of workers here, nurses especially are foreigners who either don't speak english that well and have heavy accents and seem to care about the patients about as much as they do the sanctity of the US/mex border. I saw it first had while my mother was in the system in her last few years. It's utterly pathetic, and thats something no one is going to convince me any different about because i saw it first hand and it's unmistakable. I've had 2 different doctors i chose over the time i've worked where i am and both were less than acceptable, the latter being the one that screwed up my hand. But there are good people there no doubt....just the odds alone will dictate that. But IN GENERAL the system, at least here in so cal, is scary bad. Many people are afraid to go to a hospital because they no longer take the care needed to assure the diseases that are there are not spread from patient to patient. I've gotten this far treating myself when needed and i'll continue to do so thll i feel the risk is worth it.
Like anything else, you have to be a learned consumer - research and educate yourself.

Pittsburgh has world class hospitals and are well known for them. We don't have all that foreign influence here.

No one enjoys having to use the medical system of course.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
I agree Seeker, and no offense to your brother was intended. Much like every proffesion good ones and bad ones exist in everything. You as the consumer must find the right one for you. THe particular Orthopedist I was refering to (in Key West--NOT a mecca of quality medical care) Did not offer any options, pain management programs therapy or chiropractic, he simply went straight to "we can schedule the surgery next week"........and after conversing with others (including my G.P. who was an excellent Doctor) and doing my research I found 8 of 10 patients he did the same surgery on where extremelly unhappy a year or less afterwords. Only 2 said they had no pain and where happy. After further research it was confirmed his medical answer is almost always high dollar surgeries. For me Chiropractic has worked well enough. What got sideways with me most was the immediate "surgery" diagnosis and cost factor discussion. Not all Doctors are only looking at the $ signs but for sure this fellow was, more so than my immediate and or long term health.
But just 1 bad apple as they say.
Like i was saying earlier, i have a friend who's a paraplegic and has been in a wheelchair since '72. He has 40 years of more interaction in the med system with more doctors than anyone will ever hear of let alone be treated by. He's a walking encyclopedia of whats wrong with the medical profession/system here in so cal at least. And if anyone think's i lean to the harsh side, talk to him ! Makes me sound like a shill for the system. He has more health issues than most people would see if they lived 10 lifetimes and had bad luck healthwise. He avoids doctors whenever possible and has denied them the request to do things to him and perscribe things to him much more often than he's agreed to their suggested course of action. And after 40 years of that every doctor he DOES see tells him the same thing...."we have no idea how you got this far....we expected you to be gone years ago". Thats paraphrasing but u get the idea. He's my best friend that i have known since we played together as babies, and i mean little babies that couldn't yet talk. The horror stories I've heard over the last 40 years since a robber shot him in the back together with my experiences have me 110% sure that my evaluation of the system if so flawed here in so cal that i would fear for my life going into a hospital and even seeing a GP worries me. he's watched the system go to hell in a handbag and has seen the downfall over the years. My mother said she didn't want to go in because she wouldn't be coming out. She went in for a non life threatening issue with her back and like she said, she never came out. Trust me, no one will ever convince me i'm being overly cautious.
OK, I'm coming in very late here and of course, I live in a 3rd world country a universe away from the US. But here's the thing: I'm severely allergic to kiwi-fruit, honeydews and sweet melon - if I injest a drop of the juice from any of these, I go into full anaphylactic shock and have less than 20 mins to get medical assistance - epipens are amazing little devices. And if it weren't for a doctor correctly diagnosing the allergy the FIRST time round, I don't know if I'd be here right now.

None of us here on this forum are doctors so nobody here can give you a medical reason as to why you react the way you do to bee/insect stings - the ONLY profession that can accurately diagnose, advise and prescribe for this very odd malady, is, sadly for you, the medical profession. If you don't like the doctor treating you, change doctors.

But here's something for you to think about! This is the first time I'm coming out in public so to speak abouth this, so bear with me!

One evening in March this year, I found a little lump in my chest. It was small and innocuous but alarm bells went off and I went to my doctor the very next morning. He pushed me in as his first patient ahead of all existing appointments, examined me and sent me straight down to radiology. By the time I took the elevator down 3 floors to radiology, the entire mammography team was waiting for me. Again, I was given priority treatment and pushed ahead of everyone. Sure enough, the mammographer wasn't happy with the lump either so I was once again, I was given priority treatment for an immediate full biopsy! Within a few days the results came in - it was a malignant lump and I had to have an immediate mastectomy. Within 2 weeks from discovery to diagnosis, I'd undergone nuclear heart scans, bone density tests, organ scans, lymph gland biopsies - the works. The only reason why there was 2 weeks between discovery and operation, was because I'm self employed and had to get a back-up staff contingent into place immediately.

I have had NOTHING BUT THE BEST care and treatment from start to finish - from the surgeon to the oncologist to the chemo team, the radiation therapist and finally, with the specialist reconstructive surgeon.

These doctors saved my life - the cancerous tumour was within 1milimetre of entering the bone (rib) and had this happened, I would not be here today typing this note. I have no fear of death, however my love of life is stronger than my complacency towards death!

I'm clear now and in TOTAL remission but had it not been for all the doctors and specialists involved, I wouldn't be here.

So for what it's worth, go to a doctor, get checked out and if you're not happy with your doctor, get a second opinion. When you go looking for a bike, you don't buy the first one you see, you try a few out until you find the one that you're happy with. Same goes for doctors!

I realise it was a generalisation, however to label doctors as quacks, I personally feel that that is a bit harsh - there are charletans in every profession. Thing is, doctors save more lives than destroy or take lives.

Go get your malady checked out! If I'd just ignored the lump and 'waited it out', well I don't want to contemplate the consequences of that.

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