Go and have it checked out and just see what the doctor tells you and gives you. It does not mean you are bound to take the meds and you could research it further after you have his opinion
Well Daz.....your right that is a weird malady. I share in your distrust of doctors. I have 2 blown discs and a tilted pelvis from an accident many years ago, no issues till about 5 years ago when the sciatica started. Causes pain daily, can't walk without pain (oddly the only time I have no pain at all is riding the Tiger) I assume the riding position and way the seat may proper align the pelvic bone has something to do with it. Anyway I was told 5 years ago by a specialist "we need to schedule you for surgery right away" after thinking long an hard about it, I decided I could live with the pain, and walk, or gamble this guy slipping up while doing surgery on my spine and being paralyzed for life. He threw % and figures of success at me, and while 90% is a darn good #.......what about the 10% who are crippled, still in pain (or worse pain) or can't walk due to this surgery? And still have a FAT bill for the surgery to boot!!!! Nope not letting em cut me open unless it is 100% certain death is the only other option, then I'm all for it. I go to a chiroprator when my back gets to bad out of whack but otherwise I avoid the MD as much as possible.
A FF helmet might not be a bad idea. You must ride around a bunch of bee infested areas and it could be a good investment.
...... I share in your distrust of doctors. I have 2 blown discs and a tilted pelvis from an accident many years ago, no issues till about 5 years ago when the sciatica started. Causes pain daily, can't walk without pain (oddly the only time I have no pain at all is riding the Tiger) I assume the riding position and way the seat may proper align the pelvic bone has something to do with it.......
A FF helmet might not be a bad idea. You must ride around a bunch of bee infested areas and it could be a good investment.