Wanna hear a very wierd physical malady I have?

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Go and have it checked out and just see what the doctor tells you and gives you. It does not mean you are bound to take the meds and you could research it further after you have his opinion
I can sort of understand a distrust of the medical field, but you even said that you'd go to a doctor to set a broken bone or something really serious. Well, they could just as easily screw something up then too. This could be pretty serious.

But in this case you'd only be talking to them and perhaps have a test or two done. There's minimal chance (like zero) that they'd kill you doing a test.

You related this malady to us and we're only reacting like any friend that cared would.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Last time i went to a dentist he screwed up a root canal and it led to me losing most of the teeth on my lower right. Last time i went to a doctor he told me the bone i apparently broke wasn't and just to wear a splint. I asked him what he saw in the xray and he said he didn't see it. The guy at the place that took them who wasn't a doctor told him they saw nothing. It healed all wrong and now i have this big lump in my hand and my thumb isn't quite the same. I understand your concern and appreciate it. But the very last time i was in any kind of medical facility was where they as much as killed my mother who meant the world to me. I don't do doctors unless i have no choice. I appreciate the concern, but i was just curious, thats why i posted it. Seemed very weird is all.
Well Daz.....your right that is a weird malady. I share in your distrust of doctors. I have 2 blown discs and a tilted pelvis from an accident many years ago, no issues till about 5 years ago when the sciatica started. Causes pain daily, can't walk without pain (oddly the only time I have no pain at all is riding the Tiger) I assume the riding position and way the seat may proper align the pelvic bone has something to do with it. Anyway I was told 5 years ago by a specialist "we need to schedule you for surgery right away" after thinking long an hard about it, I decided I could live with the pain, and walk, or gamble this guy slipping up while doing surgery on my spine and being paralyzed for life. He threw % and figures of success at me, and while 90% is a darn good #.......what about the 10% who are crippled, still in pain (or worse pain) or can't walk due to this surgery? And still have a FAT bill for the surgery to boot!!!! Nope not letting em cut me open unless it is 100% certain death is the only other option, then I'm all for it. I go to a chiroprator when my back gets to bad out of whack but otherwise I avoid the MD as much as possible.

A FF helmet might not be a bad idea. You must ride around a bunch of bee infested areas and it could be a good investment.
Yeah, the stories are many. I feel for you. My mom had siatica and she was miserable most of the time. It's not something they seem to be able to treat successfully. I'm glad you can ride the tiger w/o pain tho.....not many have a better reason to ride than that !!! I have a friend whos a paraplegic and if you sit down with him and ask him to tell u all his stories about the medical field screwing him up you'd be there for weeks. He won't go unless theres just no choice. It really is true that the medical system is a pathetic excuse for are today. Like all other services/products, we have cheapened it to the point they hire mostly compassion-less poorly skilled people who will risk your life to be sure they aren't late for thier lunch break. I saw it first hand when my mother was in the system for the last few months of her life. It's at times shocking. yes, there are some good people in there but you will be dealing with and subjected to many who aren't.
I'm considering a FF, but i wonder what i could do for the one place let they can nail me....the neck. This whole thing is going to make my fav time to ride (hot days) not doable. I think my best course of defense is remove the stinger immediately. Had i done that last time i really think the issue would have been much less problematic or maybe wouldn't even have happened. I can't ride around in a mummy costume. on 95 degree days.

Well Daz.....your right that is a weird malady. I share in your distrust of doctors. I have 2 blown discs and a tilted pelvis from an accident many years ago, no issues till about 5 years ago when the sciatica started. Causes pain daily, can't walk without pain (oddly the only time I have no pain at all is riding the Tiger) I assume the riding position and way the seat may proper align the pelvic bone has something to do with it. Anyway I was told 5 years ago by a specialist "we need to schedule you for surgery right away" after thinking long an hard about it, I decided I could live with the pain, and walk, or gamble this guy slipping up while doing surgery on my spine and being paralyzed for life. He threw % and figures of success at me, and while 90% is a darn good #.......what about the 10% who are crippled, still in pain (or worse pain) or can't walk due to this surgery? And still have a FAT bill for the surgery to boot!!!! Nope not letting em cut me open unless it is 100% certain death is the only other option, then I'm all for it. I go to a chiroprator when my back gets to bad out of whack but otherwise I avoid the MD as much as possible.

A FF helmet might not be a bad idea. You must ride around a bunch of bee infested areas and it could be a good investment.
Well, there is a reason they call it "practicing medicine" ...basically they are ALL "practicing" on US!
My summer jacket doesn't have it, but my winter Kili has a high collar. Maybe you could find a mesh summer jacket with a high collar???
ROTFL:y43::y23: You got that right ! I gotta remember that one !

Yes, a high collar would help, but i have leather jacket i wear on even hot days that i love. I would hate to shelf it just for a small area that extends a bit higher. I DO love some of those triumph jackets, some of which have the high collar. Always wanted a triumph logo jacket. But damn things are crazy expensive. And i'd still be vulernable there, a bit less but still. I may start thinking bout them.
Well heres a couple options. A friend of mine in Tampa...who against my warnings still rides sans helmet wears one of these and goggles to keep bugs and road grit from his face.

Or you could help to bring back the fashion trend of men wearing ascots :y13::y2:

Just a suggestion.......please don't go the ascot route.....really.......just say no ROTFL
...... I share in your distrust of doctors. I have 2 blown discs and a tilted pelvis from an accident many years ago, no issues till about 5 years ago when the sciatica started. Causes pain daily, can't walk without pain (oddly the only time I have no pain at all is riding the Tiger) I assume the riding position and way the seat may proper align the pelvic bone has something to do with it.......

A FF helmet might not be a bad idea. You must ride around a bunch of bee infested areas and it could be a good investment.

Wow Adrian. We have a lot in common. My lower back is junk from a three-wheeler accident many years ago.
Some mornings I have to just "gut through" the pain to get dressed and walk the dogs. It is walking the dogs that gets me moving for the day but I am usually in tears by the time I return from the walk.

Daz! Definitely recommend a Full-faced helmet.

Doctor visit or not, just be safe!!!

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