Wanna hear a very wierd physical malady I have?

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Just thought i'd share this because it's so bizarre and i have no idea what so ever what this is all about. I guess i have a alergy to bee stings, but man is it a weird one. First let me say i have been stung many times on bikes but this just started about a couple years or so ago and it now happens ever single time i get stung. The last time was just last weekend and it ruined my ride. If i get stung ANYWHERE at all, doesn't matter where, my left hand swells up like a catchers mitt ! When i say swells up I not only mean so huge that i can't close my hand and have to try and ride home w/o clutching as much as possible, but it become itchy and painful to a degree i can't find words for. It's horribly painful/uncomfortable and it stays that way for a couple days then starts improving over the course of a week.

It's always my left hand and no other symptoms of bee allergy like shortness of breath or any of that. I just have a painful itchy catchers mitt on my left hand ! And at first i thought somehow i was getting venom on my hand when brushing the bee off, but after having happened now a number of times i eventually realize i don't have to touch anything with my left hand and even have gloves on usually. This last time i had gloves on and was sure not to touch anything with my left hand. Within 5 minutes i felt the first twitches of it starting and i though oh god, not again. I was about 40 miles from home and had to start planning the route home that would require the least clutch work. On thing i did differently this time is i refrained from scratching it and tried to ride one handed as much as possible not to be touching the grip. My thinking was as with a rash you don't want to irritate it. That worked real well in one way...the painful itching stopped after about an hour whereas it usually lasts a day or 2.

Anyways, just thought i'd share this bizarre malady i have, and maybe one of you will have heard of something similar or what this is about....i mean, why my left hand every time and no were else? So odd !!!
As a allergy sufferer, I feel your pain. . . sort of. Mine is different and I have to carry an Epipen with me since mine is headed to my throat. All I can say is get checked by a doctor, an allergy specialist not a GP. It may be nothing but why risk it?
Dale, I agree with the above, you do need to get this checked out. I suggest that you carry a good antihistamine with you all of the time. Benadryl is a tried and true general antihistamine and has been around forever.
What you are experiencing is called Anaphylaxis.

DEFINITELY get your GP to refer you to a allergy specialist or at least talk to your GP about it. That can be quite serious and you shouldn't let it alone for two or three days waiting for the symptoms to subside. You are also probably experiencing low blood pressure along with it causing the swelling int he extremities.

BTW....the itchyness is common, but normally happens in the palms of your hands, soles of your feet, and/or your scalp.
Yeah seeker, thats where it itches worse...in the palm. In fact, i can see a little white spot form in the middle of my palm that gets bigger and bigger as it swells. I would welcome low BP....mine is always high i think. I must tell you all tho, i appriciate the advice, but i don't go to doctors unless i absolutly have to. Don't trust them and unless i'm in big time distress, ready to die, broken bone, etc, i stay away from them. They have screwed me up far more than helped. Doctors today are mostly hacks and the med care system is a death trap. I watched it kill my mother and damn near kill others i know. As the saying goes, I pays me nickel, i takes me chances. :y2:
... i appriciate the advice, but i don't go to doctors unless i absolutly have to.

Dale this is not a head cold or a poison ivy rash you are talking about, this is serious. The next time it could be your throat and then you're dead, benadryl won't be enough to rescue you. Don't take this lightly, when you absolutely need to see a doctor for this it will be too late.
I have never been allergic to anything in my lifetime. However, I was up on a 40 foot ladder one day clearing dead leaves from my rain gutters. I never felt anything, but I must have gotten bitten by one of those creepy looking millipedes or something.

I started to feel really weird and began gong back down the ladder. Before I could even get to the bottom, I was in pretty bad shape. The palms of my hands, soles of my feet, and my scalp got itchy to the point it was driving me crazy. My heart started racing and I was sweating on a cool autumn day.

I told my Wife to drive me to the emergency room immediately. When I got there, they instantly took me into a room (something they only do if you're truly at the point of death). Within minutes of hearing that it was probably from an insect bite and seeing how my heart was about to beat right out of my chest, they gave me a shot of Epinephrine right through the ribs and into my heart.

That slowed my heart rate down within seconds and then they gave me a SHOT of Benadryl...not just the liquid to drink. Within about 15 minutes things began to return to normal and I was told to go home and rest.

To this day, I've never had a reaction to anything like that day and we still don't know what bit me. Bee stings and other insect bites don't do it. But I was close to death that day.

I understand not wanting to go to a doctor, but you might not be so lucky next time and may be too far from help to save you. I WOULD check it out!!!
Thats a scenario where i'd probably go too, tho not definately. I've waited out a number of episodes i've had that felt very serious. I believe i may have had a heart attack several times and possibly small strokes. I'm talking where i was seriously scared to the point i honestly thought i was outa here and then took weeks or even months to fully recover afterwards. So serious stuff whatever they were, but i've had many. I know i have issues, but I just wait it out and whatever happens happens. I take very good care of myself as far as exersize and eating. So when i go, i go. I'm not going to try and prolong it, especially when some hack of a doctor will likely end up killing me even before my problems do anyways. I'm no spring chicken and i have little to gain by trying to prolong it. If i had a family i might think differently, but i don't.
especially when some hack of a doctor will likely end up killing me even before my problems do anyways.

I am convinced a doctor saved my life that day so he sure wasn't a hack.

Sure....I'm gonna die someday and I'm probably am lucky to even be alive today for many reasons......but it would be dumb to allow an INSECT BITE to be what does it!

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Well, it really comes down to how important life is to you. It's not my 1st priority like most people. So i'm not too concerned about how long i'm here. I don't look forward to the actual transition, but other than that i'm fine with whatever the alternative turns out to be as long as i'm not cooking and having pitch forks shoved in me. :y2:
I am not afraid of death either; but there are some bad ways to die, as you know. Asphyxiation is not one of the pleasant ways to go and that is what severe allergic reactions do.
Dazco, I experienced the same many years ago. Stung on my foot and swelled so much you couldn't see the toes!!!!! Was given a shot swelling went down, was told I was allergic to bees.....thats was 30 years ago. Carried an epipen kit thing for years.....but luckily haven't been stung since.....luck I guess, don't know where the pen is now.
I do know allergies can "come and go" things you are allergic to as a kid can change.......and things your where not allergic to you can become allergic to.
I used to win $ from friends as poison ivy didn't effect me at all....could rub leaves, berries, bark on my skin, NO reaction. But had friends who couldn't came near the stuff and they started itching........would I try it now???? Nope.
Dazco, I experienced the same many years ago. Stung on my foot and swelled so much you couldn't see the toes!!!!!

See, thats what i find so odd about this. You got stung on your foot and your foot swelled. Seems pretty normal to me if you have any alergy to bees. But why my right hand and ONLY my right hand? And thats no matter where i get stung ! This last weekend it was my right ear i was stung on. Then my left hand swells ! Someone was saying your throat might swell. Ok, but you only have one throat. My point is, i have 2 hands...why only my left every time? Not either arm, not either leg, etc etc. Just my left hand, and no matter where the sting is. If i got stung on a toe my left had swells. All the medical stuff and dying and etc etc aside....why my left hand?1!! I just find that so bizarre. What is in my left hand that is different than my right leat alone any other part of my body?
I asked my Brother who's a pathologist for you....

He said the reason (swelling in one hand) is because the anaphalaxis is affecting your inominate artery which is a main and extremely important branch immediately off of the arch of the aorta.

According to him that is not a good sign because it's so close to the heart. It could affect your coronary arteries just as easy. He also worries that while you wait out the swelling, you could throw a clot to your lungs and die within minutes - although he cautioned that diagnosis via text messaging is a dangerous thing too. He highly recommends seeing an MD in person.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Thanks for doing that. But i'll likely just let whatever is going to happen happen. Being that this has happened probably 7 or 8 times now i think if it were going to kill me it likely would have. I also think that this time the reason it wasn't as bad is because this was the first time i stopped and pulled the stinger out, tho i still waited about 5 minutes. It hardly stung for the first 4 minutes so thats why it took me that long to do that. And i did it because i was told to last time i talked to a friend about it. I never even thought to do so till then. So had i pulled it out immediately i don't know i'd have even had a problem. What really kills me is i bought a new 1/2 helmet recently. After this i started thinking i shoulda bought a FF ! I still may and use it only on long trips and use the 1/2 in town where i hardly ever get stung. It always tends to happen in the twisties, tho this was the 1st time at the coast.
I've said all I will say about your reaction to the bee sting when I finish this final comment. I hope that if it happens while you are on the bike or driving a car that you don't hit and injure or kill an innocent victim.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.

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