USA site now has Tbird in the 'create my own triumph' confiurator

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Yes, but i don't want to put more miles on it or take the front tire down any further, as it has almost 30K and the tire is getting close. I'm going to list it and see if i can sell it that way, tho selling to this co-worker would have been so much easier and more convenient. still not sure how to go about selling it as far as test rides. If someone drops it huge problems will no doubt ensue.
Do not permit test rides unless you can ride along (on another bike - preferably his). Do not have much gas in it and I mean about a half gallon or less. Be on reserve. Check his drivers license for a motorcycle endorsement, expiration date, and copy down his name, address, and the license number.

Some guys I know will meet the prospective buyer at a public place away from their home.
I will only let someone I know and trust ride any of my bikes. If I am selling one, I will ride with him while he test rides it -

1. To make sure he can ride
2. To make sure he does not abuse it.
3. To discourage theft.

Having little gasoline in it will mean that if someone tries to steal it they won't get far before it runs out of gas.

Guys with several bikes, especially high dollar vintage bikes and/or expensive tools and shop equipment, will meet a prospective buyer away from their home to prevent casing for future theft.
I think i'd probably wait for him to drive up so i can see his car, then insist that he give me his car keys. Still, if he drops it i lose. (unless he dies of course, in which case we both lose)

The guy here just offered me a couple hundred less than my absolute low. Not sure what to do, as i'm really going to put out more cash for the bird than i wanted to already. I spose i should go look at my pics of the bird then see how i feel. :ya2:
More than promising i think....he's vcoming to look at it tonite, plus i got a email from another interested party who wants to look at it. So i think any way you look at it the bike will sell, if not to one of these guys to someone before long. Hopefully i'll be paying the dealer a visit next weekend to reserve my li' bit o' heaven. :y115:
Well, it never fails to amaze me that people do this, but the guy emails me then calls me to come see it at 9pm and never shows, never even calls. I've sold a lot of stuff and had people do this to me many times, but it's always just amazing to me. Well, i emailed the second guy back and told him the 1st guy never showed so it's his turn. If he makes an appointment to see it the other guy will have to wait if he decides he still wants to check it out. He lost his place in line. Geez...I hate selling things.

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