trying to restore a 77 bonneville

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best friend started resto 2008 diagnosed with leukemia. passed in 2011 His wife gave me the bike last year just before she also died of cancer. I have some new parts, parts catalog and manual. only manual dosen't give enough info. Will send pix as soon as I figure how to get them from my phone to here. Thanks for your help and advice in advanced
Hi, 56K - I did a search for 1977 Bonnie and did a screen grab from YouTube. Is yours similar? It's a beautiful model -- let us know how your restoration is going!

77 bonnie.jpg
So sorry to hear about your friends.
Post any questions in the classics section where the members will see them.
We don't pretend to know everything, but will help if we can.
We enjoy restorations so let us know how things are going.
Still need rear master cylinder, front master with reservoir. Misc rubber bits and tires
Bought kits to rebuild them but they were plugged. Tried everything but no go
Nice looking bike, i just finished restoring a 76 T-140 bonne a few years ago, there are plenty of parts around if you need any. Those are good bikes and catch alot of attention you will enjoy it.
Just received enthusiasts Trimuph restoration. There book shows engine spacers are large right narrow left. Is that as a rider would view or from front? Had same problem with swing are manual calls for large spacer on right but its not possible with of arm only allows for thin spacer
Hard to know as I received bike with engine already out of frame
I think it's generally accepted that right and left are as viewed from the seat facing forward.
That's what I always went by, but stand to be corrected.
That said, I tore two British bikes completely apart and they went back together perfectly using that "rule."
Grandpaul can probably answer better.

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