Looks like Rocky and his fair city of Halifax is going to be right in the eye of Dorian. Hope they fair out okay.
Sent Rocky a Text msg and heard back from him. All well, just no power due to Dorian. Will be a couple of days at least.
Yes, its good he is OK.Thanks Q good to know he is ok but not having power sure can suck.
Qship got fingers better than Warren Beatty.!I ended up down here in Nova Scotia to try and get my Mother-in-Law's generator fixed. Brought my own down in case couldn't fix it. Got here and hooked mine up and got the fridges plugged in, started working on her genny. Bang, power comes back on. Was not supposed to be back until Tuesday evening. Go figure? Her genny is back up and running.
That is good news, Steve. I assume that your mother-in-law had no damage? For what it is worth, I run my generator for about an hour every month with a refrigerator and/or air compressor plugged in to give it a load.I ended up down here in Nova Scotia to try and get my Mother-in-Law's generator fixed. Brought my own down in case couldn't fix it. Got here and hooked mine up and got the fridges plugged in, started working on her genny. Bang, power comes back on. Was not supposed to be back until Tuesday evening. Go figure? Her genny is back up and running.
News in Australia is that 40 % of Victorian , ( state not time !), can expect blackouts for 1/3 of the day on Hot Days. As there is a shortage of reliable power , since all the states sold off their Electrical Power Assets ( is : privatised state assets )..Good to hear she had no major damage. I can't get my neighbor lady to run her generator periodically either.
Modern Short term Goverment thinking, driven by the Dollar , have a Lot to Answer for. Unfortunately , no one listening or interested. People have their own problems , again driven by the Dollar.I am sorry to hear of these woes. That sounds third world rather than Australia!
News in Australia is that 40 % of Victorian , ( state not time !), can expect blackouts for 1/3 of the day on Hot Days. As there is a shortage of reliable power , since all the states sold off their Electrical Power Assets ( is : privatised state assets )..
Which has led to old worn out assets , being " run into the ground " and closed down and Private Companies will never build a new powerstation.. Cause they cost billions to build and 10 years to construct. The states cannot build them , because
(1) they don't want to borrow the money and the Federal Government doesn't want to lend them the Money.
Usual catch 22.
(2) The Engineering Staff were asked to take redundancy , at Each state electricity commission and were not replaced , and / or given other less meaningful jobs , to sit out their retirement. So all the Knowledge on Power Systems for Construction has all been lost, as it wasn't past on. all the Tool makers , Tradesmen , machinery and stock along with building have been sold for scrap , too comeback from overseas as Razor blades and Frying Pans.
So Now there is No Money , No Willpower and no Skills to get a " Worlds Best Practise " Reliable Power System , when the Lights go out , when the Temperature hits 40'C ( over 100'F ). , which happens nearly every day in December to March.
Luckily for some , solar roof panels will save the fridge and freezer. but most people are not so well equipped.
Going to be interesting to Watch. South Australia and Victoria Fail.
But the private companies and the government have a easy to see follow up plan . To force the people to accept , Fracking in the State Forests and Farm land , to provide local Gas Turbine Power Stations which are Automated Modular Designs.
I would like so!e experienced comments on Fracking and how it effects natural Plants , Animal and Farms , along with the huge amounts of Methane it is said to release.
Plus do you have experience in the states of this behaviour.
Did I mention , that electricity prices and gas prices are at a historical all time high , yet the reason for privatisations was it would free up the money for hospitals and drive down electricity prices.
Al the Gold and Diamonds in the GroundThis is now a regular story our side and has been for some years now, we rotate during the day 3 to 4 hours off then 3 to 4 hours on and 3 to 4 hours off again, it is costing the economy big time.