Tropical Visitor - Dorian

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This thing is moving so slowly, and is so huge, it will seem like forever before it moves on.
It will seem like it's almost sitting still and hammering the hell out of everything.
The damage will probably be overwhelming. Let's hope it's downgraded by the time it gets to you.
I an hoping it will turn north before it gets to us. It was supposed to hit us tomorrow. Now it will be Tuesday. It has already screwed up our Labor Day holiday. If it keeps on slowing down, it will mess up Thanksgiving!
I an hoping it will turn north before it gets to us. It was supposed to hit us tomorrow. Now it will be Tuesday. It has already screwed up our Labor Day holiday. If it keeps on slowing down, it will mess up Thanksgiving!
It’ll still cause a mess regardless, but being on the “clean” side would be infinitely better. Humor is the only way to approach these storms, nature does it’s thing regardless. Keep vigilant and stay positive.
I have been checking the TV coverage several times a day. The fact that it has all but stalled is terrible news. It will just sit there and grind everything into debris.
The only very serious hurricane I experienced was Juan in 2004 and it's such a helpless feeling to know it's coming and there's not a thing you can do about it.
The latest advisory is very encouraging. It looks like Florida has been blessed and dodged a horrible bullet. We will get some nasty weather; but nothing devastating. We may lose power and have a lot of debris to clean up; but nothing devastating.


Rocky, it looks like you might get a taste of Dorian.

This is good news for you, but the projected track shows what I've been concerned about since all this started - a direct path to me.
Hopefully, the cold north Atlantic Ocean will knock some of the power out of it before it gets here.
In the meantime, wait and see.
It is moving northwest at a whopping, blazing 1 mph!! We are getting the rain bands now and the winds are starting to pick up a bit. It still looks favorable for us. We will get some tropical storm force winds; but that surely is better than what the Bahamas got and are still getting.

According to the projections, Dorian should be a weaker, subtropical storm by the time it reaches Q and Rocky - about what we will get here. Our winds should be 40 -50 mph here. Along the coast, the winds will reach hurricane force in gusts. Iw ill be so glad when it passes!!
Just about every area has threats of some types of natural disasters. We have hurricanes, the west coast including Alaska have earthquakes, the northen plains have blizzards, the mid west has tornadoes. You just take precautions and go with the flow.
It's still a little early, but we're being warned to be ready for a possible CAT 1 level storm when it gets here.
The eye is expected to pass offshore to the south, but the winds from the outer edges will still be dangerous and full of rain.
We've had warm and sticky weather all week, but cooler air is moving in tonight so that may help.

My property is several hundred feet above sea level so tide surge and the like can never reach me and there is never any risk of flooding from heavy rain.
All my maple trees are gone so the threat of tree damage to me or my neighbours is gone. They also don't have any trees, but there are city trees out on the street that could possibly be a threat.
Whatever the winds may do is the question. My roof shingles are new and pretty solid, so I'm just...……………..
Sittin', waitin', wishin', hopin" BGRIN
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