Tropical Visitor - Dorian

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Charter Member #3
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Looks like this weekend will not be good riding weather.


It is small tropical storm at present with a long way to go before it hits us. Winds are 50 mph/80 kilometers per hour sustained. We have summer thunderstorms with 50 mph winds. Obvio;lsy we will be watching the track closely and preparing.
Thanks, Rocky. Will do. I will get all of the loose stuff in the yard put away, take down Mabel's wind chimes, and fill up the gas cans to run the generator if necessary. I already have water and canned food on hand.
I got the gas cans filled, 30 gallons. That will run the generator for over 36 hours if necessary. Trimed some branches that were close to to the house. I didn't take down the wind chimes and other hanging stuff down yet. I will wait to see what the track does. Right now, we are in the bulls eye of the forecast track. We have a 120 volt air conditioner in our bedroom that the generator will easily handle. So we do have a comfortable place to sleep if there is no power.

I back feed the generator through the clothes dryer outlet which lets me power the lights in the whole house.
Thanks, Rocky. It looks like the storm will turn more to the north, possibly St Augustine or Jacksonville. If that is the case we will be on the weak side of it. The National Hurricane Center predicts it will be a Cat 2 storm. It is still too early to pin it down.
It is not looking real good for us. Dorian just became a hurricane and is predicted to be Cat 3, a major hurricane, when it comes ashore. that will cause much damage.

Dorian has slowed down in forward speed but is intensifying in wind speed. It is supposed to be a Cat 4 when it hits the Florida coast just north of Palm Beach. It is projected to turn north after land fall and pass right over Orlando and over us as a Cat 1, possibly a Cat 2. We can deal with 75 mph to 100 mph winds (121 to 161 kilometers per hour} with only minimal damage. There will we as much as 24 inches of rain (61 centimeters). Our property is high and dry. We don't have to worry about flooding.

Monday is Labor Day, the last federal holiday and the last 3 day weekend of the summer season. Labor Day is a big deal in the US. Here is how we Floridians will be spending Labor Day:

Dorian Labor Day.jpg
This is a monster storm which will eventually swing north so we are very interested in where it will go and how much it will downgrade.
I know it won't be anything like what the Floridians will experience, but once bitten, twice shy for us BGRIN
Be safe TUP
Thanks, Rocky. looks like it will be Cat 2 when it gets to us. This house has withstood several Cat 2 storms and a Cat 3. I may lose some shingles but the roof is solid it won't go - unless a tornado hits. We should be west of the eye and the northeast quadrant is where tornadoes are spawned. So we should be good structurally.

Mabel was due in Tuesday night from Tokyo. She has been in Japan all summer. That ain't gonna happen. Orlando International is closing Monday at 0200. All of the airports from Miami north are closing. Port Canaveral and The port at Ft Lauderdale, Port Everglades, are closing Monday. McDill AFB in Tampa evacuated all of their aircraft to bases in the mid west. I am sure thst Mayport Naval Station (Jacksonville} and Jacksonville Naval Air Station have taken similar precautions.

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