To bag or not to bag that is the question

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I was going to post this in the Tiger section, but as many models offer hard bags, I figured I would throw it to the "masses".

Do you leave your hard bags on all the time, part of time? I have read where some riders claim the hard bags (due to drag) net them worse gas mileage than riding "sans bags". In speaking with a fellow on a Sprint, who I see commuting as well once or twice a week, at a gas station he goes "bagless" for fuel mileage purposes.

Personally I leave mine on all the time as
A. I like the look.
B. It makes for a larger "target" or possibly a more visible entity on the road from behind. (don't tell Tiger I said she has a big butt lol)
C. I never know when Shannon is going to tell me to stop at the store on the way home :y2:
D. In the event Tiger wants to take a nap on her side....the bags offer (some) protection to other parts.

And I figure if it drops my mileage a mile or two a gallon, I am still getting better than either vehicle I own, and the $ is well worth the safety factor.

So what say you all? The majority of the time do you ride bags on or bags off?
I don't have "hard bags", but I do have firm large-size saddlebags for my T100.
I only use them if there is a need to carry something - which is maybe 2% of the time.
The other 98% of the time I leave them off.
I use the Ventura luggage system on my H***a, but the main bag sits on the seat behind me. I only use this sytem if I'm travelling, otherwise I use a sport rack with a small textile bag attached.
I don't use any kind of bags on my vintage bikes.
If I'm running dirt roads the bags stay home and I just carry the trunk. On the road I have all three bags on, never know when I might come across something that needs a new home.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
Hard bags on 100% of the time, just so handy be it a trip to the shop or a day out. The conditions can change and hey, I've got all that's required in the bottom of my bags. Fuel consumption on a bike isn't a big problem, we're only talking cents not big dollars.
I use the soft bags on my Bonnie only when traveling. Most of the time I keep the hard bags for my XC in the garage. I use them when traveling or riding two up for the day. If I have a lot of things to carry, like groceries, I use the sidecar.
I keep them on nearly all the time, inevitably if I take them off I end up needing to pick something up on the way home.
On my hard-bagged Trophy I remove the bags if I'm not going to need them. They are extremely expensive to replace if damaged and I have heard of Trophys losing one on a big bump before (although I think that only happens when you neglect to check out the fasteners for wear). Of course mine are all plastic so I don't think they'd help any if I went down anyhow.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR