This Winter

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This must be the worst winter we have had in years. We recording the highest rain fall on record. The temperature now is 4c outside and 5c in my house. We are not equipped in our houses to handle cold weather as the cold spell normally only last a few weeks but this one just will not break. It is so cold I cannot even work on the PC. The best place to be is in bed with the hot blanket on.
Wow, 5C inside the house is very cold! In the winter I have my furnace set at 21C during the day and 15C during the night.
Of course we have "real" winter here - often at -15C, plus or minus a few degrees :y15:
But you have my sympathy. That's colder inside than I care to endure.
We are not equipped in our houses to handle cold weather

Wow I find that strange. The coldest we ever get is +10c but we still have two heating systems. A reverse cycle air conditioner that we only use in summer to cool but it heats very well just that electrical heating is more costly than gas. We also have gas outlets and a couple of heaters that can be used in various rooms and put away in summer.
Well we can also get all that stuff installed but it really is not worth it as I say we normally only get a few weeks of cold weather where I am and it is normaly not even close to what it is now. When I was at school we had a coal cooker and an open coal fire to heat the house and a few of these fuel type heaters.

We actually do have an electric heater but it's packed away some place and we have only used it a few times over the years we have had it. Basilica it just means when the temps get like they have been now it's early to bed to watch TV with the electric blanked on then we toasties. :y54:
You have water in your pool all year around?
But then I suppose you don't get any freezing weather either.
Yeah, I know, 10C is "freezing weather" but I mean "real" freezing weather below 0C like -10C for weeks on end.
At first I thought you were complaining because it was 5 degrees C outside, as it is often -30 or -40 here in the winter, and was going to laugh at you but 5 in the house wouldn't be to enjoyable. Hopefully it doesn't last to long!
At first I thought you were complaining because it was 5 degrees C outside, as it is often -30 or -40 here in the winter, and was going to laugh at you but 5 in the house wouldn't be to enjoyable. Hopefully it doesn't last to long!

Well it was only that one nigh by the looks of it and it is now up to around 10c or so, I don't mind that too much as it is only for a few hours before we go to bed anyway. During the day it runs at around 15c being very cold to around 20c

Mate, I gotta disagree. I know we get some days at +10c and any of those days make the spending $$$ worthwhile.

Kev you Australians are just not as tough as us Africans we can take it mate, or is that as stupid as us Africans I never can remember :y2:
Kev you Australians are just not as tough as us Africans we can take it mate, or is that as stupid as us Africans I never can remember :y2:

Yeah, I get confused about that also.:y15:
Tell ya wot, just now it's 3.05PM, mid winter, clear blue sky, no wind and +17c.
We're about to go out and do a spot of shopping, when we return, probably 5.00PM the first thing I'll do is shut the house up, put the gas heater on and set the heat to 20c.
Must be getting soft in my old age.SAD