The Passing Of Summer

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Yesterday was an amazing 20C (68F) for the middle of October.
Because of my sprained ankle I haven't ridden in almost six weeks, but it was feeling quite good so I wheeled out the Bonneville and went for a ride.
Man oh man, it felt good!!!!
While the oil was hot I changed it and rode the bike into the basement for the winter. The others will soon follow.
I always do this by the end of October anyway so may as well do it now while the weather is decent :y1:
This morning my ankle is feeling the abuse I gave it yesterday so I need to throttle back a little and rest it.
Injuries and old age don't go well together :y1:
It's been rather mild over here too, I have managed a few short rides on the DR as I've had my front brake caliper on my Thunderbird refurbished by the company I bought it off many years ago. I thought it best to let them do it as they have all to tools to do a good job.
Sorry to read of your ankle troubles Rocky, it's not much fun when the weathers good and you can't get out. Still lets look on the bright side Summers coming, in about 5 months or so :y47:
I'm pleased to say that the ankle is doing very well (at last!!), but I need to slow down and not abuse it until it's completely healed.
Yesterday I probably overdid it a little bit and it needs a day of rest.
Otherwise, it's coming along quite well. I have no pain, only some discomfort.
Today is another unusually mild day at 18C (64F) for this time of year, but unfortunately, it's raining so no riding.
I need to rest the ankle anyway for at least a day :y1:
Very heavy rain coming tomorrow from down New England way, but it's not to do with Gonzalo.
We will be getting some very rough seas because of Gonzalo, but that's all.
As that storm moves northeast it's expected to just clip our island province of Newfoundland to the northeast so they may get some damage.
But it's really all guess work at this point.
Thanks Carl.
It was reported on the evening news and weather that the rotation of Gonzalo caused the warm moist air this week to sweep up this way, but by Monday we'll be back to a more normal 9C (48F).
September was a spectacular month with lots of sun and warm temps and that lasted right into October - and I was grounded by my ankle :y1:
I hate it when that happens :y20:
Recovery from the sprain took much longer than I expected, but it's nearly over.
Just in time to be too late :y1:
As I mentioned before, I rolled the Bonneville into the basement the other day, and since it's raining cats and dogs today, I spent the afternoon cleaning and polishing the bike, then rolled it into its winter parking spot.
I removed the battery and drained the gas tank the other day so now it's wait until April SIGH
The saga continues.....
It was another beautiful 18C (64F) day so I rolled out the H***a and burned up a tank of gas.
After Gonzalo passes (far to the south) in the next 36 hours the warm and moist air will be gone and we'll be at more normal temps of 8-9C (46-47F) for this time of year.
With that in mind, after I arrived home, I rode the bike into the basement for the winter. Might as well get it over with :y1:
It's easier and more pleasant to do the pre-winter storage chores in milder weather.
I don't enjoy riding in single digit temps, so when it's over, it's over. 31 October is my deadline anyway.
The little BSA is still out in the garage and it will be next.

I didn't ride all that much this year because of my maintenance chores on my house that couldn't be put off any longer.
I had a lot of plans for this summer, but it's business before pleasure. I hated giving up so much riding time, but I'm very pleased with myself with the work I put into the house.
Then I went and sprained my ankle so didn't get to ride on all those great sunny September days :y1:
Oh well, there's always next year - as long as my health holds, and if the good Lord is willin' and the creeks don't rise :y2: