Dave, you're making me feel bad. I hope you can find a way. Don't forget the speedy can be a good 1/2 or so of the money if you wait a while till there are used Tbirds on the market. You'll get one, it's just a matter of time i'm sure.
Carl....yes, thats exactly the problem...i think she feels it's cool being part of the herd and he cannot educate her because he's the one that propagated the idea to her!He had to make her feel the camaraderie to justify her buying him the harley. Now he can't just take it all back because that would be like admitting he was manipulating her. Oh what a tangled web we weave !!! :y24:
By the way, this moring only 4 days after getting my ultimate bike of a lifetime someone tried to take it away from me....a close call where a guy literally pulled the most bonehead move i have ever seen. In 40 years of driving and riding this was THE worse thing i have ever seen anyone pull, and it was 100% on purpose. But man o man o man, the Tbird's brakes and stability w/o a doubt saved my arse ! i really don't think i would have made it to work if i'd been on the speedy or for that matter many other bike. I gotta get to work here or i'd describe it in detail. but i could have literally killed this guy. As it was i rode next to him flipping him off and screaming at the top of my lungs calling him every cuss word he's ever heard and a few he probably hasn't ! :ya2: