Well-Known Member
Thank you for accepting me in to this refuge. Banned on TR once then Ban is lifted and now Banned again with no warnings no nothing. Gotta love the internet. I was floored that the first Ban was lifted. Must have been my ISP and they constant changing of our server farm that caused the fluke in my being able to re-register on TR.
Glad this place and others like it are out here. At least the out casts from other forums have places to go to and not be so dogmatically looked down upon. We are all out here for the ride and friendship we enjoy together out on the open roads.
Peace and MLH&R. It is not what you ride but that you ride that matters the most. I just happen to ride a Triumph.
Glad this place and others like it are out here. At least the out casts from other forums have places to go to and not be so dogmatically looked down upon. We are all out here for the ride and friendship we enjoy together out on the open roads.
Peace and MLH&R. It is not what you ride but that you ride that matters the most. I just happen to ride a Triumph.