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Well-Known Member
Thank you for accepting me in to this refuge. Banned on TR once then Ban is lifted and now Banned again with no warnings no nothing. Gotta love the internet. I was floored that the first Ban was lifted. Must have been my ISP and they constant changing of our server farm that caused the fluke in my being able to re-register on TR.

Glad this place and others like it are out here. At least the out casts from other forums have places to go to and not be so dogmatically looked down upon. We are all out here for the ride and friendship we enjoy together out on the open roads.

Peace and MLH&R. It is not what you ride but that you ride that matters the most. I just happen to ride a Triumph. TUP
There are a number of us here who had problems with Rat.Net. I did not have a problem there and am still a member. But I left because of the way some others were treated.
Ya I meant The Rat. Just did not want to mention their entire name. Ya no clue why I got banned again. I can still read all sections of the forum for tech tips and such which is all I really need out of that site anyway but most of the info is all about the Traditionalist Style of Bikes and not much Rigids or Modified Bike Info and such as I ride.

Ya their loss and everybody elses gain. Tomorrow my Wife and I are headed back up to the Engine Shop to mount the License Plate on the Rigid and to ask a few more questions.

Just needed to blow off BS. Onward we move and hey "Let's Ride!!"
Umm, Dave, I wouldn't ask that question if I were you. BGRIN You are the very reason I am here even though I did not know you back then. I hated the way you guys were treated. There was no call for that heavy handed crap. some skeletons in the closet???? And here I thought he was a good upstanding young man. :y10:
I wasn't banned from Rat, frankly got tired of it because most the members where RichardHead's and seemed determined to make fun of new members questions and act like "LORD HIGH KNOW IT ALL OF TRIUMPHS" self absorbed TOSSER's Carl, did you direct me here to TT??? I think you might have. So if thats the case HEY EVERYONE!!!! When I annoy you (and I will at some point) REMEMBER its ALL CARL'S FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!

However to be totally and brutally honest this site is 1 billion times better than that bunch 'o rats.
I've been an outcast all my life so nothing new for me. Maybe that is why I have this back patch on my riding jacket as well.


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Very cool.

One Piece Patch an old timer bought and sent to me after he joined my friends list on FB, read all my threads all over the various Biker Groups I belong to, plus my build blog, forum discussion boards I belong to and more. He felt I was worthy of this Back Patch. He is a retired but still active 3 Piece 1% Patch Holder. I'm honored he thought so well of me to do this. He was even talking trailering his bike all the way from Texas to come and see me here in Nor Calif on one of his next vacations. Just have to love the friendships we build in Our Motorcyclist,Biker Community. One of my long runs I want to do is to go meet Lee H in person up North of me. It will be an all day round trip run I would have to leave out at 5am from my house to get up to his area, stay a few hours and then boogie on back down the mountain for home. Lee H is really good people.

Just thinking about that patch and I know you guys have very strict rules regarding wearing back patches, so how does something like this fit in.

It is a One Piece and NOT a three piece.

Three piece patches MUST be earned the hard and long way. One piece patch wearers are just that "Loners" and at least in my area left alone and respected as any other Biker just that they ride with who they want, when they want and where they want or if they are invited by a Club to a Club Ride they are given the same respect. I will not be able to wear my Jacket at PGR Missions but then again I can wear my NEON Safety Vest and cover it up and ride Tail End Charlie of the group as a blocker for anybody trying to run us over from behind.


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