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That brings up another question, y'all have green plants? Dang I thought they were all brown now. :y2:

We will get back to normal before long. . . Just hope it doesn't all come at one time like it did with Tropical Storm Allison. Man, that was a rain filled experience.

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That brings up another question, y'all have green plants? Dang I thought they were all brown now. :y2:

We will get back to normal before long. . . Just hope it doesn't all come at one time like it did with Tropical Storm Allison. Man, that was a rain filled experience.

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Now you bring up tropical storms or hurricanes and I really feel bad about complaining..:y10:
Now you bring up tropical storms or hurricanes and I really feel bad about complaining..:y10:

Don't feel bad about the comments or complaining. We live where we live and it is what it is, here or up your way. I'll take those over an earthquake any day.

Not to hijack this thread any more than it already has been but . . . Houston June 2001.

Allison dropped over 40 inches of rain across Texas, Houston was pounded.

The Southwest Freeway, just southwest of Downtown

Normal view

After the rains stopped

Normal view a couple miles or so from the first photo

After the rains stopped
WOW:y45::thumbup:TUP I truly am amazed! I used to play ping-pong at the "Y" and there was a 90 year old guy there playing circles around the rest of us. I came to believe ping-pong was the secret to long life...
LOL Being active is the secret. My dad was still playing 18 holes of golf once a week - walking, no cart - at 90 years of age. He made it until 10 days shy of his 92nd birthday.
That's rain right there...

Tony, that was a bunch of rain! Wow!

And I spend most of the time out in it. . . I don't think I've ever been that wet before. I was on the cooling reservoir's spillway trying to help maintain the level in the 1000 acre reservoir with rain drops that felt more like marbles pounding on us. You don't know how glad I was to see the sun following that little shower. We were still fighting the level for three or four days after the rains ended. Our spillway dumped into Lake Conroe and the San Jacinto River Authority was also trying to control the level of Lake Conroe without causing more problems for Houston. Both spillways dumped a ton of water on Lake Houston, more than Lake Houston could really handle so they too were fighting the levels but the alternative was even worse so. . .
One thing a lot of folks around Houston don't know is the streets are designed to flood or at least designed to carry the water to the bayous so there is road flooding as a result. The biggest problem is the people still trying to drive thru it and then add the heavy rains, well it can get nasty. But with Allison, the streets just weren't big enough and the Bayous were full so areas that should have been high and dry were several feet under water. We had crews out in the area south of the Lake Conroe area along the banks of the San Jacinto plucking folks off of the roofs of their two and three story houses. The boats actually passed over a few of the two story houses not realizing they were actually doing so.
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