Sadly if in fact you have a sprag clutch failure, the only way to access is splitting the engine case! But before you get to carried away, make sure you have a new battery and it’s fully charged and change the engine oil to a full synthetic oil. Once you have done this try to start.
If that failed, then you have two choices and that is stripping everything everything off the engine area and dropping the engine. Be aware this engine is a sand casting and heavier than H*#l. Once out of the frame, you will have to turn the engine upside down and split the engine cases. The sprang clutch is right there top left corner under the crank chest. I was lucky in that a good friend of mine was a factory trained mechanic (technician to the younger crowd) and we were able to pull it apart quickly. There is a factory tech sheet that explains what you have to look for in counting the number of teeth on the starter spline sprocket. Sorry to throw water on your fire and I feel for you! Good luck.