Spain And Portugal On A 1999 Tiger 885i

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Hello everyone!
I just had the chance to get rid of a 250cc majesty that served me well while working hard around city but i just wanted to get some trail experience on my hands. So this 1999 tiger 885i came to me like a buzzing bee!
The first moment i got on it i rode with it 400km back home and it feels solid, there is a little noise on the engine under 3000rpm that after reading some info around forums i think it might be the alternator.
I have to confess that i've been worrying about a rod making the noise all the way back home, but it seemed strange that it's not getting worse with high revs, but better, and actually disappearing at 3000rpm. So i also thought about it and it also does not sound worse when you try to make the rear wheel spin while standing a full stop (like trying to make a burnout, you know, holding front brake and forcing the gas and clutch a bit...). Because i think that if a rod could be bad, the noise should get really bad when doing this, but it does not, it actually stays the same.
On the other hand the noise gets really bad when you are going about 30mph (50kmh) on 6th gear and you open full throttle, when the engine is well below 3000rpm (maybe around 2000) and you ask some torque from the engine. Instead, if you always keep the engine over 3000rpm you can't hear the noise and it buzzes like a bee (and as i think it should at all rpm... no?).
I'll keep you all posted about my findings but i kinda feel the urge to inspect the alternator given all the problems it gave to people around here.
Thank you all for posting your thoughts in here! Much appreciated for a newbie like me!.
well... i found rust on the cooling system and i'm disassembling everything.
And also discovered that the noise does not come from the alternator.
And also jumped a tooth on the camshaft chain trying to so i disassembled it all to put it in place (this was when i found the rust in the coolant).
Today i'll check the water pump and the balancing shaft for play and i'll keep searching for the noise source and replacing bad things on the way.
One thing that pisses me off is a broken tab on one connector for the coil on plugs... Does anyone know if those connectors have a proper name so i can find them somewhere on the internet without buying a complete wiring harness?
I'll post pics soon if i can use tapatalk or log in from the phone.
About the noise, when playing with the camshaft chain tensioner i felt like it was less noticeable when doing the "one click more" trick on the tensioner (consists on taking the tesioner out like 1mm until you hear a click from the tensioner and you screw it back again so it applies more tension to the chain) but i was not sure after riding for a while and i was scared of putting too much strain on the chain without justification or real change on the noise (it was hard to tell if the noise was different or not). This is when i decided to take the tensioner out for inspection and cleaning and i jumped a tooth without noticing at the beginning and the bike didn't start (i really hope i didn't bend any valve trying to turn it on... the engine has compression anyway now... thats a good sign, no? wish me luck!)
My OCD is hitting hard with this detail...
Its the connector that goes here:

It is broken like this:

And it should be like this:

Where can i find this thing?

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