Started at 14, quit in '07 (same as you Harry) at 54. I had given up on quitting because i was so hooked. Tried many times and finally decided i can't and that i love it too much. 2 weeks B4 my mom died i was in the hospital with her and she said to me "you really should think about quitting smoking". When she died i never smoked again. I did it for her, but i couldn't do it for myself. Now i often think to myself that i can't believe how UN hooked i am ! I never thought i could be so done with smoking because i loved it so much. It has taken it's toll tho, especially my lungs. Breathing isn't always 100% effortless. I'm pretty sure it will be what does me in. But I have to say, if and when it does i''m not so sure it wasn't worth it. A lifetime of what to me was great enjoyment. Could be it was worth it.