Well-Known Member
Okay. I guess I'm a little paranoid about wearing out my brakes. I had them replaced this spring and they were almost completely gone. How many miles on average do brake pads last? I realize the back wears quicker than the front on average. I also realize that it depends a lot on how you ride and where (city vs highway) so perhaps this will help you answer my question. I ride mainly in the city and I'm not afraid to use my brakes... as I need to in Atlanta traffic. Crazy drivers that are busy texting and talking on their phones in their big a$$ Suburbans. It's an epidemic here. So, I ride very defensively. Should I have my brakes professionally checked every year? I keep an eye on the pads but am not confident I would see how worn they are.
Thanks for your thoughts in advance.
Thanks for your thoughts in advance.