OK at the risk of putting my foot well and truly in it, is this company for real, ?. I'm tempted to put a somewhere in this thread, but I don't want to come across as an insensitive Limy. Thank the lord they don't use glue or nails, you wouldn't want to get High as a kite now would you, and no nails is always a good option, no don't worry no prick jokes are going to be forth coming at this time. Hats off to the guy for keeping a straight face, I'd have been in the cooler in fits of laughter, especially with that music in the background as well.
Your Sensitively MOT
I've looked at this Yeti Cooler again and I've come to the conclusion that it is too small. Yeti, Bigfoot, Sasquatch or what ever name you want to call them are said to be 9 foot (3m) tall and 350+ pounds. . . so how are you going to get that big feller in such a small cooler?
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