Thanks.You might be looking at having to remove two/three bolts/screws. Here is a diagram for your seat:
Manuals are written for a series of bikes, but aren't necessarily updated when a minor change is implemented.Thanks.
Was looking for a ring pull as manual says. I will investigate!
Found the pull ring!I know my one needs to be done by removing screws, bit of a pain really.
I have a Corbin gunfighter from my 2005 I can sell you. It is easy to take on and off. You might want to have it re foamed at a good shop as it was always a bit hard from Corbin, I have the mounting piece and the keys. Its 18 yrs old but still in pretty good shape.Hi all.
Just got my speedy, a 865 2012 model.
Where on earth is the pull ring for seat removal? Peered over, under, around... Nothing. Help!!