So whats the next one ......put down the bong Birdman

Is this a test to see if my brain is functioning at diminished capacity (it is but not because of recent useSo whats the next one ......put down the bong Birdmanand
As you know, LONG is a matter of perspective. I've got a 30ft stretch leading to a cul-de-sac near my house that seems long to me..Wish it wasn't too far for a half day ride but the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway would be perfect for long straight road.
Here is a long road picture taken this weekend as my x- girlfriend and i took a little vacation trip to Marksville ,Louisiana. The first picture is of hwy. 15, this road is built on top of the Mississippi river levee, next 2 pictures is of the corn fields, they have just been planted, the next picture is of the Mississippi river bridge going into La from Ms, note my photographer.
Really good shots!
Yes, what is next?
How about BIG bridges over large body's of water?
That is correct. The bridge to the right is the one built to replace "galloping gurdy" and now supports the westbound lanes. The new one to the left is a toll bridge coming east. A person has to drive a ways to get off the peninsula without paying, either the bridge toll or ferry.Tacoma Narrows, isn't that the one that went into oscillation and fell over?
Lake Ontario
Next: canyon or gully