Well . . . if I read Keys subject correctly, I'm into history so I guess I'll jump in and post this.
Washington On The Brazos State Historical Park . . . The Birthplace of Texas
I have additional photos of the site I will add in a ride report but the State would not let me ride Jessica over to those areas so I'll have to use this one. Or if that one's not historical enough. . .
The ruins of the first University built in Texas. . . Baylor University
Keeping the same thought process (if this meets the tag), next . . . History
Washington On The Brazos State Historical Park . . . The Birthplace of Texas
I have additional photos of the site I will add in a ride report but the State would not let me ride Jessica over to those areas so I'll have to use this one. Or if that one's not historical enough. . .
The ruins of the first University built in Texas. . . Baylor University
Keeping the same thought process (if this meets the tag), next . . . History