Excellent choice Greg.
OK so it's not my Thunderbird, the front wheel is out of her as I'm having a new inner tube and tyre fitted tomorrow, so I'm afraid the DR 350 will have to do.
Well as it's pretty rural around these neck of the woods, how about farm equipment, or as spring will soon be knocking on the door, signs of new life where you live.
If your really board you can read all about our windmill the Five Sailed Windmill - Home
OK so it's not my Thunderbird, the front wheel is out of her as I'm having a new inner tube and tyre fitted tomorrow, so I'm afraid the DR 350 will have to do.
Well as it's pretty rural around these neck of the woods, how about farm equipment, or as spring will soon be knocking on the door, signs of new life where you live.
If your really board you can read all about our windmill the Five Sailed Windmill - Home