Well, We've been having some unusually nice weather here over the last few days, and we got a few more to come. Any who, I figured I'd get out and enjoy it today after I got home from work. I took the time to seek out a few Silos.
This ones a little hard to see back there but it is there...
That short edit time for us freeloaders bit me. I forgot the next subject and didn't get back to it in time... Well how about a rod iron fence or gate?
Well DONE Birdman !!!
I have a buddy on a guitar forum that is up in the Oregon PNW area as well.......he was complaining he had to MOW HIS GRAS last weekend it was green and lush and GROWING!!!!
Ya Keys, there were a few out doing that here over the weekend too. Even though my lawn is green, if I started mowing now, it would be because I like it, not because the grass needs it. But it wouldn't take many more days like this before I'd need to. I don't mind mowing, but I don't want to make work where there ain't none yet.
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