2024 Tiger 900 Rally Pro Upper Engine Guard install

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Sheesh, one puzzle after another on this bike. Trying to install the upper engine guards on my 2024 Tiger 900 RP, my bike doesn't match the instructions.
Has anyone installed these guards on their 2024 Tiger RP?
Similar, but the 900 RP comes with fog lights, that according to the instructions need to be relocated onto the new upper engine bars but on my parts the fog lights and the new bars have no way to mount up......at least according to the instructions. Somewhere along the way Triumph changed the design on the stock mounting of the fog lights so that the current instructions are not longer valid. Also my supplied "crash" bars do not have a hole to feed the wires from the fog lights to the connection at the steering head. So strange.
Thanks for the video though. I appreciate the effort.
Well.......turns out it was much easier than I made it. I was told that I had to have the Fog Light Relocater kit, turns out....it depends.
On my 2024 Tiger 900 Rally Pro there is a design change. There are only two bolts that hold on the "Beak" not four and the new design of the Upper Engine Guards DO NOT require the fog lights to be moved and mounted onto the Engine Guards, they remain in their stock location.
There seems too be two sets of instructions and it is important to carefully match the VIN to the proper instructions sheet. After that even a klutz like me can do the install.

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