Uhm............how about your bike and a large antennae, like t.v. or radio broadcast type.
Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic........but does this qualify???????
View attachment 4799
Fiberglass purple squid on top of a tourist oriented beach store in Gulf SHores Alabama aka the "Redneck Riviera"
Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic........but does this qualify???????
View attachment 4799
Fiberglass purple squid on top of a tourist oriented beach store in Gulf SHores Alabama aka the "Redneck Riviera"
one times radio mast as instructed
and with my bike in frame as per the rules
View attachment 4804
next target
something aeronautical.
plane,airport,windsock,hotair balloon,whatever.
Two steak, egg and chips for only R69 at The Hangar, man I'm on the way.