Riding is over for another year

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It's the same ritual every fall, this week I finished mothballing my bikes for the winter, sigh!
Last Wednesday was a beautiful mild day at around 15C (59F) so that was the day to warm the oil and change it.
The bikes are all inside where it's warm and dry, but wouldn't you know it, the past three days have been very mild and some of my buddies are out riding to coffee, lunch or taking a short coastal run.
Oh well, you can't have everything and I would rather work in an unheated garage on a mild day than on a cold day - and will quickly get colder.

I didn't do as much riding this year because of the unusual hot and humid weather, but next year if we have similar weather I'm going to do some early morning breakfast runs or coastal loops along the ocean before it gets hot, windy or both.
The heat and humidity of the day was just too much for me even in a mesh jacket and I refuse to not wear a jacket. My Eskimo blood just can't take it BGRIN

As we like to say here, "I'll see you in the spring if I don't see you earlier in the mattress."
I am sorry Rocky. This is why I live in Florida.
Guess we got hit by the same system as you Jim. Didn't get as much as they forecast, but still enough to be a PITA. More coming Monday. Temps supposed to be going up next week, so some will melt.
We got about 8 inches of snow last night...…………...welcome to bloody New England; if the politics don't disgust you, the weather surely will!!! Jim
That's about what we got from that same storm. It was enough needing me to shovel off the front steps for the mailman.
As the day wore on the temp came up and snow turned to rain. By evening it was mostly just slush.
It's above freezing today and a much better day.
They were forecasting 15-25(6-10") cms for us, but looks like we only received about 15(6") cms. Unfortunately the last small snowfall we got turned to slush and then the temps dropped rapidly creating a lot of ice. Snowblowing my driveway is going to be fun with all those frozen ridges in it. Need some warm weather to melt some of that ice so I can get the driveway smooth again. Seriously comtemplating moving to Nova Scotia where the weather is considerably warmer and they generally get less snow than us up here in the frozen wasteland of New Brunswick. I like the Annapolis Valley area alot.