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Locky - A Dangerous Virus or Malware That Locks Your Files for Ransom

Virus alert!!! There is a malicious computer program or virus called Locky that will lock or encrypt the important files on your computer, making them unreadable or inaccessible. It will then demand a money ransom to have the files unlocked or decrypted, which there is no guarantee that this will happen after sending the ransom. If you don't think backing up the files on your computer is important, now is the time to start doing so, or else this virus will let you pay if your computer gets infected with it.

Beware of "Google End Of Year Reward" Lottery Scam

The email message below with the subject: "Google End Of Year Reward," is a lottery scam created by scammers to trick the recipients into sending their personal information and money, by claiming that they are the winners of the "Google End Of Year Reward" promotion or lottery. There is no such promotion, reward or Google lottery, and Google will never ask online users to send their personal information via email message.

Watch Out for "LinkedIn Profile Needs Verification" Phishing Emails

LinkedIn users who have received email messages claiming that their accounts need to undergo an urgent security check or verification because there were failed login attempts on their LinkedIn Account Profile, should delete the email messages. This is because cybercriminals are sending out phishing LinkedIn email messages like the one below, to frighten and trick potential victims into clicking on the links in them, which go to phishing websites that steal online account credentials.

Look out for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Charity Donation Scams

Scammers are impersonating one of the richest men in the world, Mr. Bill Gates, by claiming that he and his wife Melinda are giving away millions of dollars via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to some randomly selected online users. Therefore, online users are asked delete email messages claiming they will receive thousands or millions of dollars from Mr. Gates or his foundation, and are asked to send their personal information in order to receive their so-called donation. Remember, this is how scammers collect their potential victims’ information, which they will use to contact them.

Beware of "Amazon Spin the Lucky Wheel" Facebook Like-Farming Scam

The "Spin the Lucky Wheel" promotion or contest located at website: " .gq," which claims that members get one free spin for a chance to win exclusive prizes at Amazon, is a Facebook Like-Farming or Like-Harvesting scam. The scam gathers together potential victims by tricking them into sharing or liking the scam, by claiming potential victims need to do so in order to claim their prizes. But, sharing the scam will only help to spread it to other Facebook and Whatsapp users.

Beware of "Samsung Galaxy S6 and S7 Auto Wraps Survey" Phishing Scams

Scammers are using SurveyMonkey, a popular online survey development cloud-based software, to harvest their potential victims’ personal information. The email message below is just one of the many being used by scammers to trick potential victims into completing fake surveys on SurveyMonkey that collect personal information. The scammers call the fake surveys "Samsung Galaxy Auto Wraps Survey," which they claim is for the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S7. Therefore, online users who have received such fake surveys (see sample below) are asked to delete them, and should not attempt to complete them.

Beware of - it is a Fraudulent Website

The website:, is another untrustworthy online store or website claiming to sell men' fashion. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website, and those who have shopped from it, run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting the website:

Beware of "Renew your WhatsApp Messenger" Phishing Scams

There are phishing email messages (see a sample below) that are being sent by cybercriminals to their potential victims, claiming that the potential victims should renew their WhatsApp messenger. The links in the phishing email messages go to a fraudulent website looking similar to Whatsapp’ s website, that ask visitors to select a renewal plan and enter their credit card information. But, credit card information entered or submitted on the fraudulent website will be sent to the cybercriminals behind the phishing scam, who will use the stolen credit card information fraudulently.

Scam - "Closing of Your Microsoft Account is Been Processed"

The email message below with subject: "Closing of your Microsoft Account is been processed," is a phishing scam created to steal Microsoft Hotmail,Live or Outlook user names and passwords. The email message was not sent by Microsoft, but by cyber-criminals, whose intentions are to gain access to the potential victims' accounts by hijacking them, and then using them fraudulently.

Beware of Profits Eternity System by Jane Creswell Binary Options Trading Scam

The Jane Creswell Profits Eternity system located at website:, is another binary trading options scam. There is no such binary option trading system. If you search the internet, you will not find a Jane Creswell's Profits Eternity system on any reputable website. But, you will find information about the same so-called system on deceptive websites created by scammers to convince their potential victims into signing up for binary options trading accounts with a broker and depositing a minimum of $250 into the accounts.

Beware of CodeFibo Fibonacci Strategies by Professor Matthew Lewis Binary Options Trading Scam

The CodeFibo Fibonacci Strategies system located at website:, is another binary trading options scam. There is no such binary option trading system. If you search the internet, you will not find a Professor Matthew Lewis's CodeFibo Fibonacci Strategies system on any reputable website. But, you will find information about the same so-called system on deceptive websites created by scammers to convince their potential victims into signing up for binary options trading accounts with a broker and depositing a minimum of $250 into the accounts.

Beware of Paid Surveys Secret Shoppers Inc Scams

Below are samples of Paid Surveys Secret Shoppers email scams that scammers are currently sending to potential victims. The victim of this scam will be provided with a fake or counterfeit check (cheque) and is advised to cash it and then asked to use some of the proceeds to do some form of mystery shopping and send the rest to someone. Also, the victim may be asked to take part in surveys or other promotional services. But, the counterfeit check will bounce and the victim who cashes the check will be held responsible for the money lost in the transaction and any additional fees imposed by his or her bank. They may even get arrested for fraud.

Beware of Bank of America Malicious Credit Debt Email Messages

Cybercriminals are attempting to infect online users’ computers with viruses, spyware or other malware, by sending them the fake and malicious Bank of America email messages similar to the one below. The fake email messages attempt to frighten the recipients into clicking on the malicious link within them, by claiming that they own money and they need to click on a link in the same email messages to open and follow instructions in a file or document, to prevent Bank of America from taking legal action against them.

Scam - Jeulia Store at is an Untrustworthy Website

The website:, is another untrustworthy online store or website claiming to sell the highest quality, most fashionably jewelry (especially rings) at affordable prices. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website, and those who have shopped from it, run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cyber-criminals and used fraudulently. They also run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods, or poor quality goods that look nothing like what were advertised. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting Jeulia Store located at website:

What are Online Threats, Cyber-Threats, Internet Threats or Web Threats?

Online threats, cyber-threats, internet-threats, web threats are threats that uses the World Wide Web, cyberspace, or the internet to facilitate cybercrime, which is committed by cybercriminals. These threats use multiple types of malware and fraud, all of which uses links in email, social media posts or instant messaging, or malicious email attachments that contain Trojan horse, spyware, ransomware or other malware used to infect computers or mobile devices.

Beware of "Microsoft Account Security Re-activation" Phishing Email Scams

The email message below with subject: "Microsoft Account Security Re-activation," which claims support on the recipients' Microsoft Outlook accounts will be discontinue, is a phishing scam created to steal Microsoft Hotmail,Live or Outlook user names and passwords. The email message was not sent by Microsoft, but by cyber-criminals, whose intentions are to gain access to the potential victims' accounts by hijacking them, and then using them fraudulently.

Beware of "Final Warning - Microsoft Account Update" Phishing Email Scams

The email message below with subject: "Final Warning - Microsoft Account Update," which claims that the recipients' email messages have be placed on hold due to them using the old version of Microsoft Outlook, is a phishing scam created to steal Microsoft Hotmail,Live or Outlook user names and passwords. The email message was not sent by Microsoft, but by cyber-criminals, whose intentions are to gain access to the potential victims' accounts by hijacking them, and then using them fraudulently.

What is Cybercrime and who is a Cybercriminal?

Cybercrime, also called computer crime, is any illegal activity that involves a computer network, mobile device or computer, or in other words, crimes committed on the internet or other computer networks using computers or mobile devices. Some examples of cybercrime are: cyberstalking, telemarketing and Internet fraud, identity theft, credit card information thefts, computer hacking, piracy, spamming, phishing scam, and infecting computers or mobile devices with viruses, spyware, ransomware, Trojan horse and other malware.

Beware of "Your PayPal Account has been Temporarily Locked" Phishing Scam

The email message below, which claims that the recipients' PayPal accounts have been temporarily locked and will be closed closed, is a phishing scam. The fake or fraudulent email message was created by cyber-criminals to trick the recipients into clicking on one of the links in it, which will take them to the fake and phishing website. The fake and phishing website, which looks exactly like the legitimate PayPal website, should not be visited and the instructions on it should never be followed, because any information submitted on it will be sent to the cyber-criminals, who will use it to hijack their victims' PayPal accounts.

Beware of Gmail Version 4 Build 2016 Update or Upgrade Phishing Email Message

The email message below, which claims that the recipients should click on a link within it to upgrade to Gmail version Build 2016, in order to secure their accounts, is a phishing scam. The links in the fake email message go to a phishing website that steals Google account usernames and passwords. The phishing website looks exactly like Google’ own website, which makes it easier to trick Gmail or Google users into believing the fake website is legitimate.
