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Beware of "" - it is a Fraudulent UGG Boots Australian Online Store

The website: "," is another untrustworthy UGG boots Australian online store or website, which online users are advised to stay away from. Persons who shop on the untrustworthy website run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cyber-criminals and used fraudulently. They also run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting the website: "".

I get email crap like this all the time and immediately delete it; I won a sweepstake; I've come into millions of dollars if I will register my banking information; a relative in trouble in Asia; offers to make easy money, etc., etc., etc.
You have to question the mindset, mental capacity or awareness in todays world of anyone who falls for this crap - but then, that's who the scammers are aiming at.
Facebook and other social media are mine fields for scams as noted above.
I do wonder how some of these are believed by some people but then I suppose if you desperate you tend to believe thing you normally would not.
I guess that's the way it is.
You hear about people being taken all the time FACE
When it hits the news you have to wonder what the victim was thinking while it was going on.
It really is quite sad, especially the elderly who lose all their savings.

This "elderly" person is not going to be a victim BGRIN
People have to stop being so gullible and trusting - and maybe not so greedy to get easy money.
You rarely get something for nothing in this world - especially from strangers on the internet.
Can you believe it!! That hacker tried a third time to get me to reveal club banking info!

Hi, Rocky: Just a thought: If they try it again, give them a fictitious account number at the First National Bank of Nigeria! That may put an end to it.......if not, the possibilities are endless, as is the fun. I speak from personal experience with these types.
The "village idiot's" mind is a cesspool of wit and deviousness: Jim
Beware of or - it is a Fraudulent Brand Name Watch Selling Website

The website: or, is another untrustworthy online store or website claiming to sell brand name watches, shoes, handbags and sunglasses and accessories. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website, and those who have shopped from it, run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cyber-criminals and used fraudulently. They also run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting the website: or

Beware of or - it is a Fraudulent Luxury Watch Selling Website

The website: or, is another untrustworthy online store or website claiming to sell brand name watches, shoes, handbags and sunglasses and accessories. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website, and those who have shopped from it, run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cyber-criminals and used fraudulently. They also run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting the website: or

Beware of "GOV.UK Payment Confirmation" HM Revenue & Customs Phishing Email

The email message below: "GOV.UK Payment Confirmation," is a fake HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) tax refund notification that was sent by scammers, which will attempt to trick tax payers into completing a fake application form that asks them for their credit card, personal, account information. The recipients are then asked to respond to the same email message with the completed form. Once the scammers have their victims' information, they will use it to rip them off.

Beware of or - it is a Fraudulent Website

The website: or, is another untrustworthy online store or website claiming to sell brand name watches, shoes, handbags and sunglasses and accessories. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website, and those who have shopped from it, run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cyber-criminals and used fraudulently. They also run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting the website: or

Beware of SunTrust "Validate Your Account‏" Phishing Email Messages

SunTrust Bank customers are asked to be aware of fake email messages that claim they need to validate their accounts by confirming their information. The fake email messages are phishing scams being used by cyber-criminals to steal personal and banking information. The links in the fake messages go to phishing websites, looking like SunTrust Bank’s website, where visitors will be asked to sign-in with their account credentials. Once the victims enter their account credentials on the fake website, it will be sent to the cyber-criminals behind the scam, who will use it to gain to access to their victims’ accounts, where they will steal the victims’ money and use their accounts fraudulently.

Beware of "" - it is a Fraudulent UGG Boots Australian Online Store

The website: "" or "," is another untrustworthy UGG boots Australian online store or website, which online users are advised to stay away from. Persons who shop on the untrustworthy website run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cyber-criminals and used fraudulently. They also run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting the website: "".

Watch Out for "Netflix Account on Hold - Update Required" Phishing Email Messages

Netflix users who have received email messages like the one below, which ask them to update their payment method, are asked to delete them and not follow the instructions in them. This is because the email messages, which claim there is a problem authorizing their credit cards, are phishing scams sent by cybercriminals to steal their Netflix account credentials (user names and passwords). And, once the cybercriminals have stolen their victims’ account credentials, they will gain access to their accounts and hijack them.

Beware of - it is a Fraudulent Website

The website:, is another untrustworthy online store or website claiming to sell men' fashion. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website, and those who have shopped from it, run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cyber-criminals and used fraudulently. They also run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting the website:

Beware of - it is a Fraudulent Website

The website:, is another untrustworthy online store or website claiming to sell leather apparel. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website, and those who have shopped from it, run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cyber-criminals and used fraudulently. They also run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting the website:

Beware of - it is a Fraudulent Website

The website:, is another untrustworthy online store or website claiming to sell accessories, shirts, watches, sunglasses, backpacks and travel Bags, shoes and boots. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website, and those who have shopped from it, run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting the website:
