OK, folks, seems as though I just did this with poor Barney. I'm starting anew with the Street Twin. I need to get this baby tricked out with a few things! I've read the entire ST forum, but don't see quite what I'm looking for.
Any input is welcome! Bonus points if you actually have done any of these mods or can recommend a brand/vendor, etc.
Here we go:
Panniers/frames: I still have the Bonnie waxed cotton bags and frames
View attachment 39499
I'm pretty sure the frames don't fit the ST. I don't know if these panniers would fit the ST frame or not with the proper frames? I'm not particularly wedded to them, so if you're using a different set, I'd love to hear what brand you've got!
Sissy bar and seat rack: Don't judge me, but I'd really like a shorty sissy bar, not a monster that reaches to the heavens. If I want to try some motocamping, I can stack up my gear using it. But I've also heard that with a sissy bar, there's a mounting problem getting a seat rack to fit. So, does anyone have a sissy bar? I'm gonna bet no. What about a seat rack? Renntec?
Seat: Holy cow, this seat leaves a bit to be desired for me. OUCH. Has anyone tried the Triumph bench seat or any other after-market type?
Windscreen: Just looking for something to keep some of the buffet down. Puig? Dart?
Tail/brake light: I think the ST has an LED tail light. I miss my flasher brake light a lot. Has anyone replaced theirs? If so, how the devil do you get the tail light cover off?
I've run up my Comcast internet usage searching and reading about all these different mods. Then I decided to ask people who actually might have some hands-on experience.
So TIA, everyone! I appreciate your thoughts!