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I think panniers are a bit overkill unless you are carrying a pillion and need more storage space. When I go away on my Scrambler I prefer to spread the weight a bit and use a tank bag, and a tail pack. The other good thing about a tank bag is the extra wind protection you get from it. This one is available for the Street Twin, part number A9518100.
Triumph Street Twin / T100 / T120 Waxed Cotton Tank Bag - Black - # Genuine Tri | eBay
As for carrying tools, I use one of these tool tubes, with a couple of 'P' clamps you can fit them where ever you want.
The Tool Tube
Hey, Gumpt -

I am a big believer in my tank bag! Your eBay tank bag is really nice, much better looking than my ratty ancient one. And I like the Tool Tube site, both for the Twin and for my little Honda CRF 230M. The CRF has zero storage on it -- but plenty of open space to bolt or tether stuff to the frame. I've always just worn a backpack with it, but no more.

As a side note, after my accident, I learned two things -- (1) I don't ever want to be wearing a backpack in an accident, especially not one with heavy, pointy, or solid things in it. It will be unforgiving on your bones when you hit the ground. And (2) anything that's not tied/strapped to your bike *will* go flying off, even in a very low-impact accident like mine. I had reinforced it with several three-inch-long neodymium magnets like these (I'm weird about magnets, I love them).


Have you ever tried to pry apart 3" neo magnets? I thought for sure that bag was secure. Nope. My magnetic tank bag went airborne and ended up about 8 feet away from the bike/me.

Thanks for the links! Probably going to spring for at least one, if not two, of those tubes!
I was wondering why you thought you needed panniers with this kit. I would rather use that cash and purchase a few other combinations for different types of rides.


To be brutally honest, I hate the idea of scrabbling around trying to get on the bike, rather than just throwing a leg over. Not really sure how awkward and unstable I'd be trying to get on with a big bag on the back, just for everyday riding. I'm not even sure of how to do it --- stand on the left, raise leg up with knee at chest, then thread foot across the seat? Stand on the foot peg and get on (probably not great for the foot peg?)?

So if I have a pannier on, I can do the normal routine of just throwing a leg over, especially if I'm doing local riding, and not a longer trip.

Maybe I'm overthinking this?

No matter, the beauty of this Ventura system is that it's all interchangeable and easily switched! But I agree with Rocky: if I could, I'd just have a naked bike with nothing hanging off it.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention, my hired hand would be following me about 3 miles back with a trailer loaded with all the stuff that I don't want to carry on my bike. LOL If I ever win the lottery....


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Hey, Gumpt -

I've always just worn a backpack with it, but no more.

As a side note, after my accident, I learned two things -- (1) I don't ever want to be wearing a backpack in an accident, especially not one with heavy, pointy, or solid things in it. It will be unforgiving on your bones when you hit the ground.

I agree with you about not wearing a backpack. My mate had a slow speed tumble on some diesel on a roundabout. He was wearing a backpack and inside he had the crankshaft out of a Honda C90 he was taking to the machine shop around the corner. Needless to say his ribs did not fair to well! 6 broken ribs in his back!:eek:
I agree with you about not wearing a backpack. My mate had a slow speed tumble on some diesel on a roundabout. He was wearing a backpack and inside he had the crankshaft out of a Honda C90 he was taking to the machine shop around the corner. Needless to say his ribs did not fair to well! 6 broken ribs in his back!:eek:

Oh, no! That sounds awful. Good real-world example.
As for carrying tools, I use one of these tool tubes, with a couple of 'P' clamps you can fit them where ever you want.
The Tool Tube

Wow that is really neat.

To be brutally honest, I hate the idea of scrabbling around trying to get on the bike, rather than just throwing a leg over. Not really sure how awkward and unstable I'd be trying to get on with a big bag on the back, just for everyday riding. I'm not even sure of how to do it --- stand on the left, raise leg up with knee at chest, then thread foot across the seat? Stand on the foot peg and get on (probably not great for the foot peg?)?

It is something you would soon get used to doing and it's not such a mission really. However the Ventura offer the side bags as well so those would be the same as having pannier but just part of a set. Why I am saying this is if you ever need to really load up with the back upright Ventura bag the side bags will fit right in with this configuration.
As I said before, it takes a bit of a heave to throw your leg high enough to clear the seat when getting on sideways.
If you have short legs it really takes some effort.
I'm only 5' 8" but a taller person would find it easier.
Getting off is easier, but I try to not drag my boot over the seat and mark it.
If you're not happy doing it that way then maybe panniers are the way to go.
Well, folks, that insurance check was burning a hole in my wallet. I ordered the Mistral bag and rack, plus the 10L bag. No panniers. We'll see how it goes. I definitely wanted a bigger bag for a long trip, so I have no problem with that being on the bike. But for everyday riding, I suspect I'll want the panniers. But I'll give it a go without first!

Plus, I'm out of money. :-)

Thanks for the advice!
Don't forget those photos when you have them installed. I would also be intrested to see how it sits with a rider on the bike as that is also important that they fit right in a riding position.
Hi Sarah I have an aftermarket Hepco and Becker rack fitted to my ST. The rack holds more than the Triumph rack, as the grab rail is vertical rather than sloping back. On our 2 month trip we used an expandable bag on the pillion seat and a set of Bagster panniers. All the soft luggage has built in rain covers. I hope to post a pic for you if I can figure out how to work my phone!! Kathy
We fitted Givi airflow touring screens for traveling, the screen has 2 pieces and has adjustable height, the top airflow piece slides up and down. The Givi screen is fitted to the handle bars and fit in front of the Triumph tall summer screen I leave on all the time (Triumph screen has a headlight bracket fitting), great to not have to remove the Triumph screen for a couple of months touring.
OK, folks, seems as though I just did this with poor Barney. I'm starting anew with the Street Twin. I need to get this baby tricked out with a few things! I've read the entire ST forum, but don't see quite what I'm looking for.

Any input is welcome! Bonus points if you actually have done any of these mods or can recommend a brand/vendor, etc.

Here we go:

Panniers/frames: I still have the Bonnie waxed cotton bags and frames

View attachment 39499
I'm pretty sure the frames don't fit the ST. I don't know if these panniers would fit the ST frame or not with the proper frames? I'm not particularly wedded to them, so if you're using a different set, I'd love to hear what brand you've got!

Sissy bar and seat rack: Don't judge me, but I'd really like a shorty sissy bar, not a monster that reaches to the heavens. If I want to try some motocamping, I can stack up my gear using it. But I've also heard that with a sissy bar, there's a mounting problem getting a seat rack to fit. So, does anyone have a sissy bar? I'm gonna bet no. What about a seat rack? Renntec?

Seat: Holy cow, this seat leaves a bit to be desired for me. OUCH. Has anyone tried the Triumph bench seat or any other after-market type?

Windscreen: Just looking for something to keep some of the buffet down. Puig? Dart?

Tail/brake light: I think the ST has an LED tail light. I miss my flasher brake light a lot. Has anyone replaced theirs? If so, how the devil do you get the tail light cover off?

I've run up my Comcast internet usage searching and reading about all these different mods. Then I decided to ask people who actually might have some hands-on experience.

So TIA, everyone! I appreciate your thoughts!
I have these bags on my ST and love them,I also have the dart fly screen and it works great for wind buffeting,I also changed my mirrors to bar end and love those as well, check but not sure if the bench seat w grab rail can be fitted w those bags. Best Michele
Whoa, wait a sec --- what are the panniers on the cranberry twin? They look like the standard Bonneville waxed cotton panniers?? How did you get them to fit -- what frames did you use or what mod did you have to make?

DETAILS! I NEED DETAILS!! pretty please
I can ask my dealer for the number, yes those are your bags!
Well, I've looked on several sites and only see the saddlebags and the frame (harness) as a set. I've looked at the frames that came off my 2013 Bonnie, and there's o way it'll fit on the Street Twin. And I hope these bags/frames will fit on the 2017 Twin....

Thanks for the info, I'm going to call my dealer tomorrow and see what they can come up with.

Yay! I liked those saddlebags! Yours look great!

(EDIT) - just went out and tried to make the old Bonnie frames work --- the bags would hang down too close to the exhaust, I think. I really want those bags on my new bike!
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