I dun it again.

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On the subject of women.....and in their defence.
I worked with a fellow who was fond of saying, "If God made anything better than women, he kept if for himself."
I can find no arguement with that.
In my day I've enjoyed the company and a close relatonship with many a lovely lady and had zero regrets. I broke a few hearts and had mine broken a few times too, but that's life. I wouldn't have missed any of it for "all the tea in China."
Now, after almost 49 years of marriage, my lovely lady and I couldn't be happier TUP TUP
Now the question is.....who is going to pay for and install a new spring?????

Well, lets see. She could have it done professionally. Or maybe a friend. Or maybe....oh wait i forgot .....I ALREADY FIXED IT MYSELF !!! Yes, and in fact, if i wrote down all the things i have fixed ot otherwise done for her the list would have you looked everywhere for a "jaw drop" smilie to reply with !. Heres just a sampling what i have done for her besides risking my ass and fixing the garage myself, and trust me that IS dangerous with one person. Now first lest me say that she and I moved in at the same time and the house needed a lot so she turned to ME, even tho i live in a back house.

1-I installed new drapes and curtains in EVERY SINGLE ROOM in that house
2-installed 2 mirrors, mirrored wall tiles and a racks and wall rack in one of the bathrooms. I literally assembled akmost every piece of furniture in the house
3-I repaired the sliding glass door which was a 2 hour job and very frustrating
4-I repaired her fridge
5-i reset the electronic sprinkling system no less than 20 times. She's a control freak and had me doing things like this over and over for no reason. Seriously !
6-fixed her car twice
7-she ran her business out of the garage after about a year and had me empty as many a 20 80 Lb pails of product from her car on a regular basis
8-that time i fixed the garage door springs was one of a good 10 times shes called me up to fix it for other reasons, usually just something small but it was always me
9-fixed her computer whenever it crashed
10-took her to pick up her car from the shop after oil changes 3-4 times

And thats just a small sampling, but lets not forget, I BROKE HER VASE ! Seriously, i could expand that list but it would take most of the day to remember and write it all down. And the way she'd justify it is that she's doing me a huge favor letting me live there. Did i mention i had a 1x1 foot space on a counter in the garage where i kept my bike wax and such but she eventually told me i couldn't put my things there and she then used the space to put things that were stored elsewhere in the garage before and never uses. Just old junk. She just wanted to control me. I guess 1x1' space is just too much to give me for the little i've done for her. :y15: Of course one good thing came of it....I CAUSED HER VASE TO BE THERE AT THE PERFECT MOMENT !!!!!!!!!! :y43:ROTFL:y2: And did i mention in the time i've been the she's told me to park my car in a different place no less than 20 times? She literally would email me 3-5 times a week telling me to do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that. And the kicker is i am by her own admission the best tenant she could ever ask for.

fast forward to today. We no longer talk and i no longer do anything for her after a argument where i just finally told her who she is. Funny, but she had no idea ! :y2: After that she left a letter in the mailbox telling me not to talk to her when i see her and she will not be asking for help with anything from now on. That made me more than happy. But she still calls me on occasion when she's in a bad situation and needs help and i'm the only option. I'm allowed to talk to her then, but after thats over next time i see her it's back to the silent treatment. Last time was the garage door yet again about a month ago

Yeah, women are just Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo logical ! ROTFL If she were the only example of this i've met i wouldn't generalize. Women aren't from mars, they're from cooksville baby, and i cancelled my subscription to that town !
dazco i feel your pain sounds like my first wife ! its not till you look back you relise just how bad it was , but at the same time just how good it was.
but not nesaseraly in that order .
I strongly feel that Dale must purchase her a new VASE a he broke it and it's the right thing to do, all those other things will never make up for willfully destroying her VASE like that :y52: ROTFL ROTFL

Boy me thinks it's time to find a new place to stay :y10:
I strongly feel that Dale must purchase her a new VASE a he broke it and it's the right thing to do, all those other things will never make up for willfully destroying her VASE like that :y52: ROTFL ROTFL

Boy me thinks it's time to find a new place to stay :y10:
Yeah, he has been known to be a horrible neighbour, throwing things around and generally busting the place up :y2:
A new vase and it will be all hugs and kisses :y5: :y15: CRY
I can do some terrible things and my long suffering wife just rolls with it. Then I get into trouble for the nothing little things. Just now was a cracker. When she was out (works Wed & Thurs in a school library) I decided to boil some eggs for the curry I'm going to cook tomorrow. I mark them, HB for hard boiled and put them into the fridge. That sounds OK? She gets home, looks in the fridge for milk for her cup of tea and grabs an egg and gives me heaps.
"What's this (holding up one of the eggs)? What's HB?"
I just say "Hard boiled eggs."
Then I get the works, "How does your mind work? why didn't you put a C on them."
All innocently I say "What would C stand for?" big mistake.
"cooked, cooked, COOKED, I'm the library clerk around here, I'm the one who categorises things, it's C not HB."
She walks of trying to figure out how I'm capable of breathing in and out.
Then as a parting shot I get "HB is a pencil!"

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Sorry kevin...................C...............

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