I dun it again.

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If that got you into trouble, just wait until she finds out you are doing both her sister and her best friend.

My philosophy is that if it will not be a significant matter five years from now, then don't give it a second thought.

99% of the time when my wifes gets picky over some insignificant matter such as this, she's guilty of something far more serious or wants something seriously expensive (probably already bought it).
It can be funny the way women's minds work. Heres a great one for ya, tho at the time it was anything but funny to me. I sublet from a woman who lives in the main house and i lease a studio round back. But i get to keep my bike in the garage. One day she calls me and says the garage door is broken. so i go to check it out and see the springs broke, which as i'm sure you know are huge 10 Lb units that can kill you if they pop and hit you. well, my bike is right there 2 feet away and luckily they missed. But they hit a vase of hers and broke it. a vase that was dirty and dusty and has been there for the 3 years i'd been there at that point. I told her how relieved i am and she said yeah, but it broke my vase. I then said thats unfortunate, but had it hit thee bike the tank is a grand, the fenders $400 etc. I told her it could have easily done a couple thousand in damage. She got mad and suggested i was saying her vase wasn't important. I said how much is it worth and she said $35. i sid you think $35 compared to a couple grand? thats all i'm sayin....that while it's unfortunate about the vase, the bike is worth a lot more. She started screaming at me. then we both got quiet and after about 15 seconds of dead quiet she blurts out "you broke my vase". !!!! ROTFLNow, picture this....the springs broke, popped off and hit her vase, meanwhile i'm in my place having had NOTHING, ZERO, NADA to do with it. But according to her, I BROKE HER BLEEPING VASE !!! Now on a serious note, i'm single and this is exactly why. Seriously.....i cannot deal with thier insane over the top broken logic. This is so typical of all the women i've known that i have remained single for years now and will die alone and HAPPY!:y2:
Uuuhhh Ahem! Guys!! SEriously?? A woman's mind is warped?? You're ALL on thin ice here! :y7: And I do know a guy who thought he was so macho and such a big deal that when he was changing the springs on the garage door on his own, AFTER being offered help by 3 friends, INSISTED he could do it...................and dropped the weight on his big toe! Squashed it like an over-ripe tomato, had to be rushed to hospital and stuffed up everyone elses day - a day we were going scrambling!

And WOMEN have warped minds??
Let's see.....it's her garage; her door; her spring....and it's your fault??????
No....wait....it's your fault for using the garage....that's got to be it :y2:
Yes....that's it....you used the door and wore out the spring so it has to be your fault CRY
Now the question is.....who is going to pay for and install a new spring?????

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