How To Set Up Your 800 Xc, Or Not

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Well Christmas finally came and I was able to get the pannier frames partially mounted today. I'm also installing the Triumph Top Box that came with the bike and making another little change. I hope to have everything completed tomorrow and will post final install photos at that time.

So to get things started. . .

Off came the seat and the stock rack

The stock rack has to have 4 1" holes drilled and to help with this, Triumph has four locations marked to make the job easier. I'm pointing at one of the marks. Disregard that foreign word at the bottom of the photo.

I got to thinking, I know, you don't have to say it . . . Me and Thinking can be very dangerous together . . .

And this is what started happening . . . The grab rail does not have to come off for the pannier rack install but . . . while I'm there this is what started happening, the Duck Tape was transferring to the grab rail. I've seen another bike that used black duct tape to cover the rails but to keep with the Matte Green finish I was using the U.S.M.C. Digital Camo pattern for Jessica.

It was going fairly well but did not meet with my approval so I made a change . . . Plasti-Dip

I didn't notice the finish still needs a little touch up to be right until the flash from the camera made the light areas known. I will touch it up once everything is installed.

The Happy Trails Pannier Racks. . . Still a loose fit but due to the darkness of the garage I've decided to wait until tomorrow to finish the job.


If the weather holds out, I will try to get her a little cleaned up before the final photos are done.

Next project. . . Install FuzeBlocks FZ-1 and start adding more electrical goodies. :y2:
You saw correct, they are a bit chunky. It was due to the build of them that I chose this brand. My boxes aren't designed to be used as panniers and I wanted a little heft to the frames and I wanted a symmetrical system since my boxes are both the same size. This will give me room to mount my tool tube to the rack between the panniers and the bike.

One thing that surprised me with the racks was the weight. I thought they would be heavier than they are.
I thought I would update this while watching my Baylor Bears playing in the Cotton Bowl . . . Sic'Em Bears


When getting to ready to mount the Carriage Plate be sure the mounting brackets are on the proper side of the bike. I fought with this for several minutes before I notice there was a difference in the mounts. FACE The mounts aren't marked as to which side they go on and the instructions do not point this out. This is the ONLY issue I had with the instructions from the Triumph website. All the instructions have been very clear and to the point so I won't complain about this omission in the instructions. TUP

After battling that issue, carriage mounted


The forward two bolts are placed only to hold the carriage brackets in place while torquing the bracket bolts in place, they will be removed to place the original Rack molding.


I don't know why the molding looks so bad, I had just washed it and it did not look this bad when holding it in my hands. I didn't take another photo of it but as it dried it looked better . . . Clean, not dirty.

Sliding Carriage (bottom view)

Sliding Carriage (top view) with rain drops

And the Sliding Carriage mounted and in the background is the rain Rocky will be getting in the near future but by then it will prpbably be white flakes instead of the clear drops we are seeing.
Well I've been working on my panniers and it ain't been going smooth. I destroyed one of them while trying to make an adjustment, ripped a HOLE in the bike side of one box. Oh well, they have more of them where I got the first two so. . . I picked up another $28.00 pannier.

Kim came in last night and said: "I see you've been to the Army Navy Surplus again. We need to talk about this." I reminded her I had told her I ruined one of the 20mm ammo cans and I was going to replace the next time I was in Houston. To which she replied: "I don't think you should use them on the bike, get some real ones, they will look better." I reminded her how much they cost and all I heard was: "The bike will look better with real boxes." So who's to argue with SWMBO? I was like. . .

And before she could change her mind. . . I ordered a set of Happy Trails Denali Panniers with a hammered black finish and a tool rack that fits on the inside of the left pannier rack. She doesn't know about the tool rack yet. :y2:

I haven't installed the Fuzeblock yet. I was trying to find some Posi-Tap connectors locally but no retailer stocks them around here and they all had blank looks on their faces when I tried to discribe them. So I started looking for some to order. EVERYONE that had them wanted an arm & leg for them. I finally looked on Amazon and found an affordable small package. My financial tip of the day is, if you can afford a good supply of these. . .

But them for resale in smaller quantities, they're like GOLD.

So, now I await the arrival of my new panniers.
Had some boxes on the porch when I got up today at the crack of noon. Too bad I've got to work tonight and I don't have enough time to start the install.


The large box and the white box is my panniers. The mid size box is my birthday present. . . Bark Busters. I wonder if I should tell Kim that they are here or just install them and wait until my birthday to tell her that her gift arrived along with the bar end weights I added to her order. :)