I meant to title it RE: spoked wheel flats in the middle of no where but the pafge won't let me use enough characters. I already know ho to deal with it on cast wheels in civilization. Anyways, been saving up to buy a T120 and i'm finally there. However, a while back i began contemplating the nightmare of getting a flat where i spend 90% of my riding....rural road with no cell access and often roads where u don't see a car for hours if not all day. For months as i got closer and closer to my $ goal that would allow me to but cash, more and more i began realizing that i can't deal with that scenario and i have decided to pass on the bike, which is devastating after salivating over it for a long time. I've had dozens of flats for every one time a bike has left me stranded for other reasons so it's concerning in very isolated areas. So i posted in hopes that someone can offer a solution that they have used for this scenario. I think i've heard them all and none are viable. I won't even discuss why because there are a million reasons, but tubeless conversion is off the table 110%. I've been told ride on is not reliable or any of those tube fillers that supposedly plug a hole as u ride. As for putting in a new tube on the road, not going there either for uncountable reasons. So basically i've already come to the obvious conclusion and thats why i decided to pass on the T120. But i posted in hopes of the impossible...a solution i haven't heard of or a way that one i have heard of can work after all. Any thoughts before i....gulp....buy a honda or such? (it's painful to even say that, i LOVE triumph) I know about the street twin and speed twin but naaa.....