Believe it...or not, California requires only 2 things (personal protectionwise) to ride a motorcycle.
They are~
1. A DOT helmet, and
2. Eye protection (of some sort.)
Recently, we had a woman who was driving a cage, get pulled over for speeding, and wearing "GOOGLE GLASS" while driving.
Judge dismissed the "Google Glass" charge, saying it wasn't proved she was using them @ the time she was driving, only wearing them.
So, my question to all here at TT~
Could "Google Glass" be considered "eye protection" and thus mandated by law?
Or, is this just another way...
- - - Updated - - -
Oh yeah, one more thing~
I got no dog in this race.
I have no Google products
I have zero Google stock. (shoulda bought in 1990's!)
They are~
1. A DOT helmet, and
2. Eye protection (of some sort.)
Recently, we had a woman who was driving a cage, get pulled over for speeding, and wearing "GOOGLE GLASS" while driving.
Judge dismissed the "Google Glass" charge, saying it wasn't proved she was using them @ the time she was driving, only wearing them.
So, my question to all here at TT~
Could "Google Glass" be considered "eye protection" and thus mandated by law?
Or, is this just another way...
- - - Updated - - -
Oh yeah, one more thing~
I got no dog in this race.
I have no Google products
I have zero Google stock. (shoulda bought in 1990's!)