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Believe it...or not, California requires only 2 things (personal protectionwise) to ride a motorcycle.

They are~

1. A DOT helmet, and

2. Eye protection (of some sort.)

Recently, we had a woman who was driving a cage, get pulled over for speeding, and wearing "GOOGLE GLASS" while driving.
Judge dismissed the "Google Glass" charge, saying it wasn't proved she was using them @ the time she was driving, only wearing them.

So, my question to all here at TT~

Could "Google Glass" be considered "eye protection" and thus mandated by law?

Or, is this just another way...

- - - Updated - - -

Oh yeah, one more thing~
I got no dog in this race.
I have no Google products
I have zero Google stock. (shoulda bought in 1990's!)
I also want a pair!!!!! Dont know all the features but for recording they would be brilliant
If they have heads up display then I think it could be distracting for sure whilst driving or riding
even for navigation.

What is considered eye protection? Google glasses look like a fashion item and very flimsy
Any glasses media orientated poses a threat to concentration

These I would consider as eye protection

A man was just pulled out of a movie theatre and interrogated by Homeland Security for suspicion of pirating the movie because he wore Google Glass into the theatre.

He was released after they checked the memory and found no video.

-- Posted with TapaTalk

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