toys and treasure! old TV shows! my first remembered and well loved toy was a rocket bank that would shoot a penny into the bank. this whas when "Captain Video" was a series in Ohio.
3 generations of erector sets to start out with, we'd scrounge the local dump and ended up with a footlocker of them. lincoln logs, my dad would fill an apple box with cabinet making scrap blocks occasionally.
we would dig up the biggest rocks in the driveway sure that we'd dig down to hell or China and not sure which one would come first.
when we discovered slingshots we also had the worlds best supply of exploding red round messabe iron ore balls. mountains of them! we'd shoot the sides of the iron ore freighters tied up in the Black River till the engineers would storm out of the wheel house yelling at us! they exploded against those black hulls that had delivered them and left a dandy red mark!
lesse... rubber band guns and fence staple shoots with those big square rubber bands we all had from delivering papers! wicked! i still have scars from that period. bows and arrows of every kind, home made firecrackers, zip guns, cross bows and later surplus military rifles, $5.00 at the surplus stores Ammo a buck a clip. (this is all wayyyy before we were in our teens)
Hunting, trapping, every day in the woods camp outs summer and winter, fishing in the river and lakes, boating on anything that would float, learning how to hop freights, nearly killing ourselves frequently.
pioneering. loved that! axes and learning the ropes, building towers, forts, bridges.
cooking outdoors, game we hunted and learned to dress.
model airplanes and trains of every sort. lost a huge collection when i was 14 when our house caught on fire, major heartbreak that one.
Baseball cards and marbles! we had stacks of the one and shoeboxes of marbles
first two wheeler was a "tote goat' gramps had.
first car i repaired was a 48 Packard.