Just would like to hear from other T120 riders that use the Madstad screens. I'm 5'8 1/2" so right there at the divider where they say 22" and 24" I think so for a better look I went with the 22". I find it unusable, I mean it's fine for helping to keep the cold and bugs off around town but at Highway speeds it's horrible. I just put it on for a 4 hour ride, mostly expressway so speeds of 70-80 mph and I was so miserable I almost just threw it to the side of the road. I stopped about 5 times trying different adjustments tilted up tilted back, raised, lowered you name it. The buffering was the worst with it tilted back but when more forward eliminating some of the buffering it made so much vibration through the front end it was almost worse. Maybe I should have gone with the taller 24" screen? The whole reason I got it was for highway rides, hate getting hit with a rock or a bug at those speeds! Anyway, have any of you figured it out? Should I try to trade it for a taller one or do you just live with the buffering?