I believe I've ridden enough bikes (with and without windscreens) to know the answer to this question, but I'm new to Triumphs, so I'm hoping one of you taller members (6'3"+) can share your experiences.
I'm 6'5" and I know my T120Black isn't a tourer, AND I'd never put a huge screen on it anyway, but I'm just wondering if any of you tall guys have had any luck with any of the shorter "flyscreens" (Triumph or Dart) in getting more comfortable/less buffeted at 65-70MPH.
Based on what I've read all over the Web, the shorties are more cosmetic than anything to begin with, and those that recommend them for wind control seem to always note that it may take the pressure off of your chest, but it simply moves it up your torso to your head, which, to me, isn't much of a solution.
As my thread Title implies, I'm thinking I'm out of luck, but if any of you believe otherwise, please chime in!
I'm 6'5" and I know my T120Black isn't a tourer, AND I'd never put a huge screen on it anyway, but I'm just wondering if any of you tall guys have had any luck with any of the shorter "flyscreens" (Triumph or Dart) in getting more comfortable/less buffeted at 65-70MPH.
Based on what I've read all over the Web, the shorties are more cosmetic than anything to begin with, and those that recommend them for wind control seem to always note that it may take the pressure off of your chest, but it simply moves it up your torso to your head, which, to me, isn't much of a solution.
As my thread Title implies, I'm thinking I'm out of luck, but if any of you believe otherwise, please chime in!