electronic ignition or voltage regulator; how do i trouble shoot electronic igni

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By Kingfish371

well lets start at the begininng..ive been building this bike for three years..its a bcs amen savouir with a 72 650 heavily modifyed..sidraft mikuni..tt pipes..high compression..cams...ect................................................................................... im also running a sparx electronic ignition...sparx voltage regulator with capacitor..and not much else.......friday night was its maiden voyage...aside from a couple of nuts ratteling loose..it ran perfect...i had to hold it back quite a bit...saturday my old lady wanted to come with us on a ride...sooo without thinking i grabbed my welder and tacked on a couple foot pegs....after that the bike started running like trash...even left me stranded....now when i touch the ground to the frame with the battery connected it sparks at the plugs...nice spark too...when i put the plugs in the bike it runns perfect for about 5 seconds...then nothing no spark ...............help ... this bike is going to be in a bike show on saturday..and it needs to run...should i get some points or can i trouble shoot this ignition.....kingfish371
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Kingfish, GrandPaul will be the one to help you with this. Did you disconnect the battery before you welded the pegs on?

no carl..i was soo in a hury..i didnt even think of it..i probably killed my bike right???..do you think i can get this bike running for saturday night..its in the plant city bike night competion?????

You may well have burned something out in the electronic ignition. That stuff is pretty sensitive to spikes and surges. I have no idea how to trouble shoot electronic ignition. GrandPaul can probably tell you what to check. My guess is that something is fried.
Carl S

just sent some pics for you carl..check it out - Kingfish371

hey do you think i can maybe throw some points at ...get it up and running???

You might have spiket the Sparx ignition box, although I'm not so sure.

Go through and re-check ALL grounding wires. You also need to have a wire from the last (+) coil terminal in the wiring series, besides the return wire to the ignition box.

I'm in a rush, ort I might've thought of one or two other things to check.

you say...ill do your the expert...id pee on a sparkplug if you thought it would help...lol

I forgot to mention, remove the spark plug cap and stick your pinky in there, then kick on the starter as hard as you can.

If the spark only gets to your wrist, you need to charge your battery; if it goes to your elbow, you need to clean the points; if it gets to your shoulder, it's borderline.

If it knocks you off the bike, you have good spark.

I DO NOT advocate peeing on the spark plug. That will affect the reading of a proper burn.

ok i checked and rechecked my grounds...perfect dead short...i disconnected my voltage regulator...incidentally its the one with a capacitor..connected my coil to my sparx box...it made a little arc when i connected it...and... it made the prettiest blue spark at the plugs...thew the plugs in..cranked it over and it ran for about 5 seconds...pulled the plugs..cranked it over...no spark.....i fried the box didnt i????....do you know of any one has one for sale i can get my hands on in one or two days????..im running out of time

You need to call Raber's, Old Britts, MAP, Domiracer, and other major suppliers and see if they can FED-EX/UPS overnight you a new unit if you want one in time.

I'm not so sure the black box is your problem, but my time is running out to prepare for Sunday take-off, I can't do much long-distance troubleshooting at the moment.

Kingfish, it is way beyond my expertise. Please keep us posted on what you do and what fixes the problem.
Carl S

ok everybody....i know your reading this with baited breath...heres what fixed the problem......boyer ignition......i just went and bout it and installed it today....heard it run...then i screwed up the timing...back to square 2..

Great stuff now all we need are some photos of the bike - DaveM

Thanks for the update. So it would seem the Sparx box was fried. Glad to hear you were able to get another box. Let us know when you get the timing issue resolved.
Carl S

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