Coolant Questions

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Well-Known Member
A couple of days ago I noted that my coolant level was down near the minimum level mark. Today, it's at or maybe even just below the minimum mark. This leads to my first question:

1. Is this normal? My bike is just 1 year old and I've not had any fluid leaks at all.

The manual says to use HD4X Hybrid OAT coolant. It also indicates that it's colored green, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't green when I inspected the level previously. Unfortunately, with the level being low, I'm having a hard time telling what color it is. I want to say pink, but can't be sure. Next question:

2. How can I tell what type of coolant I have given my situation and should I simply match coolant based on color?

I Googled "HD4X Hybrid OAT" and found that triumph sells this in liter bottles, but online it looks like I'd have to buy a dozen bottles or purchase it from the UK and pay $50+ for shipping. One more question:

3. If I end up having to do a flush just to make sure I'm not mixing coolant types, what type of coolant can I use if I can't get what Triumph recommends?

Thanks in advance!
The coolant bottle is just for expansion and will some times go below or above the line depending on temperature i would just keep an eye on it for now, and if it does continue to drop then further investigation may be needed .
A lot of the time it will be the rad cap not sealing right or the lid on the expansion tank .
If its down a tad just add water and keep an eye on it . Most coolant is mixed 50/50 with water anyway so 49/51 wont be the end of the world . Had my 7 year old Camry into the shop for service , buddy says its coolant must be be weak by now . He checked it . Looked and tested same as new . My theory now is if it looks perfect why worry be happy .
Thanks all for the replies. I think I'm okay now. I went to my nearest dealership and they had the Triumph brand coolant in stock. Even tough the coolant in my bike is not the same green color, I'm operating under the assumption that it's the same type of coolant and okay to mix. Not being sure how much I should add, I started with just a couple of ounces. With that, the level moved up to a little above the min mark. Several hours after a ride, I checked again and the level was about half way between min and max, which is more like what I was used to seeing.

It seems shanered6's comment about the level changing with the temperature was spot on and that there's no issue. I'll just check more frequently on the off chance I am loosing coolant.

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