For the dozen or so following my thread that are into the vintage Triumphs and have followed this thread from the beginning, I felt I owed it to you to come back and give you a ride report.. I took the bike out a couple times as a kind of a shake down ride during the last two weeks.. no tag, so I only went a couple miles or so.... Found out a few things that delayed my anticipation.. parts on order.. To make a long story short, replaced the carbs with some new Amal Premiums, found the stator not putting out so I replaced it with a high output stator, and some other misc tweaks.. Now don't get me wrong.. before the improvements, riding the bike was a dream come true despite it's problems.. this even made me more excited! I completed all the repairs last weekend, but it was too wet to ride on the dirt road..Well, I got home a little late tonight but it was sunny for a change. It was the first time since all the improvements, including getting a tag, that the planets were aligned! Rode it over to a friends house about 10 miles away who is mainly into vintage jap bikes. Wow! As sweet as I remembered my past T140's being! I let Carl take it for a spin.. he was impressed. He admitted that this was his first ride on a Triumph and now he understood why these bikes are so desirable. He was blown away, but not as much as I was! I took the long way home and really pushed it. Topped the tank with some rec gas at a station out of my way just to get some more miles on it.. didn't want to take it home! I am truly amazed at how fun this bike is and realize how lucky I am to have stumbled upon it! It truly doesn't get better than this! Did I mention that I am pumped??!!