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Meet 80-year-old Iranian Man, Amoo Hadji, Has Not Taken Bath For 60 Years.




His skin is scaly, you can barely see his eyes and he smells to
high heaven. The reason for it is as simple as that: he has just
refused to take a bath for sixty years.
The (allegedly) 80 year-old man leads a fairly primitive life,
with his most prized possession being a steel pipe... that he
smokes animal dung with.
Living in the village of Dezhgah (city of Farashband in Fars
province of Iran), he seems to blend in with his surroundings.
Why he decided to stop bathing - nobody knows.
However, he seems to be enjoying his life without it.
Eh.....just a normal sight here in hollywood. Think i'm kiddin? Seriously...there are street people here that look just like that. Skin is black, clothes literally black and shredded. Disgusting. I see them and cross the street to avoid walking within 100 yards of them.

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