I'm only getting cable because the person from whom i rented this back house stipulated that whoever moves in has to share expenses on a cable and internet package. Otherwise i'd be using fee dial up internet and watching air TV. Before i moved in here i dumped my cable at my last residence because it kept going up and the programming was junk. I started watching air TV, which is 9 channels and as bad as that is, it wasn't much worse than cables 100's. Just way too much money for what you get. Used to be air TV was fine and when pay TV arrived i figured what the heck, i don't need it but i suppose it's good for whoever does. It never occurred to me that it would eventually destroy air TV's quality. used to be movies on air TV and now there's none. So now you almost need to pay to get any movies at all. I would still watch air instead if the person i'm renting from allowed me to stop paying my share. when i did it last time i soon realized it wasn't really any worse since most of the cable programming is either garbage or the shows are repeated so much that if you watch for a few months you've seen it all and won't see anything new for a year anyways.And what kills me is you're paying for it and yet they still have commercials ! It's really a scam as far as i'm concerned.Another case of the customers not voting right with thier wallets. If more people did what i did and WOULD do again if i weren't forced to buy cable, they'd w/o a doubt drop thier prices way way down. Oh, and what kills me is that they are always having technical difficulties and i lose my picture a lot, plus the cable box is worthless, and i won't even go into that long rant. Yet you call to complain and no matter how nice you are about it the operators alway get angry with you just for assuming they did anything thats not perfect. Yep, a real scam alright. hate em...:y14: