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Solo or in a group?

  • I prefer going solo

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • No more than two

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Three is good but no more

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • The more the better!

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


I used to enjoy group rides until a couple of rather serious mishaps occurred (not in our particular riding club but others of the same association) so I decided it was safer and more fun jut to ride in combination of no more than three riders. Now I actually prefer solo riding including week long tours of the Gaspe last year and a ride to Deals Gap a couple of years ago. I figure riding is essentially a solo experience anyway and I like the freedom of stopping and going when I choose. How do the rest of you feel?
I'm not sure how to answer this one. . . I like going solo but from time to time will do group of about ten with our usual group being five. I guess I'll say solo since that is what I prefer when exploring and just relaxing.
Solo.....selfish bastard that I am, I want to go where when and how fast I want. Plus contrary to the safety in numbers "idea" I feel safer, more focused and more able to handle an issue solo than if I have to worry what my riding partners are going to do, or not do, in an emergency situation. I have seen this momentary hesitation cause accidents in others.
IF I am in the situation of a group ride be it 1 more or 10 I prefer to stay in back so I can see what everyone is doing and AVOID them if they do something stupid. I have even been know to break off from a few group rides discreetly and then beat them to the designated meeting point via alternate routes.....solo is just more efficient in my book.
Large Charity and Toy runs, I just show up AFTER the "ride in" poker run or parade portion and do my donation thing.
I prefer solo most of the time, if I do ride in a group, I prefer the 3 or less size group and even better if they are riders that I know well and trust in their riding abilities.

I had a very good friend who was one of the best riders I knew, killed two years ago riding in a group, a rider went down in a corner in front of him and he went wide to avoid the fallen rider...rode off an embankment and died a few days later in the hospital from a blood clot.
Thanks Keys, he is dearly missed, he also owned several Triumphs among many bikes along the way, two Bonnies and a Sprint RS, he had to sell the Sprint because he got like 3 speeding tickets on it in less than a year (the only tickets he ever received on any bike), he claimed the bike just demanded to be ridden hard and he loved to hear the 3 cylinder wail. :y2: He was riding an SV650 during the accident.
Well this is a hard one for me as well. A few years ago we arranged a trip with a bunch of us that were great friends and riding buddies some 30 years ago. At the time when we road together back then I trusted every last one of them and had no problems riding pillion with any of them. Well we got together at our meeting place and set off. The shocker came when we were on our way we sort of just fell into our old riding methods right off as if it was just yesterday that we road together. This was one of the best trips I have ever done in a group since those days. So yes if you really trust the riders and the group to this degree I love riding like this.

However if I do a group ride of unknown riders I will always make sure I am at the very back of the group with loads of room to see what is going down ahead of me.
very sorry for your loss ! I have mixed feelings on this as when I did hear and hounds and enduro there was always 2 to 7 of us , no one wants to be stranded with a broken leg on top of a mountain alone !

but on the road I ride alone or with the wife but I do like a spin with mates now and again , although that has only happened two times in four years !
None of the options reflect my preferences in one vote.
I enjoy riding solo and do it very often.
But I also belong to a vintage bike club which has regularly scheduled runs. As many as 20 bikes or more can show up.
Considering the vintage bikes we ride, we stick to the back roads at slower speeds. I've been riding with these fellows for nearly 20 years. I trust them, but I'm not complacent and still take all the necessary precautions for my own safety when we're riding.
Sorry to hear of your loss of your friend GRRR8. I attended the funeral of a rider who died under similar circumstances to your friend. She was hit from behind by another rider who had crested a hill and didn't realize that the bikes ahead of him had stopped. Several bikes went down. In another a driver attempted to pass several riders in his car, lost control and hit several bikes. Two riders lost their legs and the car driver was killed. After that and some other "surprises" by other riders in groups I decided it was safer to ride alone or with one or two others you trusted.
No more than three, and never side by side like some do.
Riding side by side is so very unsafe - even stupid!!. You have no room to take any avidance action!!
Our rule is to ride in a staggered formation and no tailgating.
In all the years we've been riding together there have been no incidents.
We are also a group of middle-aged riders who are out for fun and not to prove anything.
Most of us own faster modern bikes too, but the same rules apply.
Sorry R.Hawks, I posted this reply (above) into your message by mistake.
Rather mess with it and create a mess, I left it as is.
Totally agree with the off road riding buddy. I used to ride in an off road trio, but I've since moved far away from the other two. Ironically as many years as I've known them and rode off road with them, they both kinda scare me on road...:y13:

I ride off road with my son now...but he's painfully slow on his 50cc. But that's okay because one day he will be wheelie-ing pass this old geezer and waiting for ME at the next corner. "C'mon dad hurry up!"
GRRR8, I am sorry for the loss of your friend. That is tough.

I prefer riding solo with some caveats. I do enjoy riding with my wife. I ride in large group rides with the PGR when we are escorting. I don't particularly like it and I'm very wary.

When I go to the NTBF rallies, I ride in groups of 5 to 10. These guys are all experienced riders and I trust their skills and their judgement. I also enjoy riding with a trusted friends such as Jim (Village Idiot).

I definitely agree about having a riding partner for off road riding; I learned this the hard way. However since most of my riding is solo, I end up riding off road solo when I see and off road route I want to take. None of my riding friends near me have off road bikes.
I ride off road with my son now...but he's painfully slow on his 50cc. But that's okay because one day he will be wheelie-ing pass this old geezer and waiting for ME at the next corner. "C'mon dad hurry up!"

Been there, done that. TUP Great times. On our last several rides together (who am I kidding, it's been the last several years) it has gotten to where I don't even see his dust anymore. Either he has found another gear or the old man has slowed down too much.
Been there, done that. TUP Great times. On our last several rides together (who am I kidding, it's been the last several years) it has gotten to where I don't even see his dust anymore. Either he has found another gear or the old man has slowed down too much.

Yep, I can relate to this also. Trey can leave me behind anytime he wants to. Though I did surprise him by my keeping up with him in the twisties two up on my Bonneville. He could have gone faster, I must admit. :y2:
I enjoy the solo ride, but when my mate Ian & I rode together it was great. The lead was on the outside of the lane & the the follower on the inside. We never had any troubles as we new where each other would move if any trouble would arise.

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