Another Nor'easter

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
The US east coast is bracing for a serious snow storm which could be near the top of the list for the worst on record.
That doesn't bode well for us as it will be here in the early morning hours on Tuesday with very high winds and 20- 30 cm (up to a foot) of blowing snow. Other areas inland and more north are expected to get more snow.
If it pans out as predicted this will be the first really major snow storm since 2004.
Whatever happens, happens, but my snowblower is gassed up and I'm ready for it.
Nothing to do but sit and wait.
They said this morning that our weather at the end of the week will be coming from Canada and the arctic, but it'll not be as bad ( Maybe ), but it's heading our way from Thursday onward's. So if you could activate the Canadian Red Cross disaster plan, and start sending the food parcels over that would be great, oh and please don't forget the Maple Syrup. Don't forget to post some pictures Rocky if you can get out that is. Stay warm and safe.
BGRIN sorry, I'm keeping the maple syrup for myself :y46:

In 2004 we were snowed in for nearly three days before the city plows got to my street - and I'm right in the middle of the city!!
We had power, water and telephone so there was no hardship and we didn't need to go anywhere.
We have a project engineer at the plant heading up our turbine rotor replacement that is REALLY homesick. He actually said he wanted to go home for this storm so he can use his snow blower. :y22: I'm beginning to see why we are having so much trouble with getting this new rotor up to speed without it shaking the whole building, we have a loony engineer over the project.
Well, it's started here in Massachusetts and we may get up to 30 inches of the miserable, filthy, lousy, dirty, uncivilized, horrible white least I got the bike in the trailer as the snow was just beginning!! Warmer climate coming soon for me!!!! Jim
Well, I guess I'm a little twisted too because I think it's fun using a snowblower and throwing all that snow away.
It's not the most fun I'll ever had, or will ever have, but when it needs to be done you may as well enjoy it.

Betsy has an electric starter, but I've never used it.
Yesterday I pulled her out from her summer hibernation; checked the oil; inflated the tires to spec, and filled the gas tank.
I tickled the carb (just like a British bike), and one yank on the starter cord (like an outboard motor) and all 8 bhp barked to life first yank.
That's my Betsy :y45:
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Well !!!!! any pictures, where I come from snow is a word we have to look up
in a dictionary when white stuff falls from the sky once in a millennium
It's well past 10:30 AM our time and here on the coast the storm isn't amounting to much so far.
Some snow and gusting winds, but hardly a serious storm.
I doubt that I will need the snowblower.
The temperature is going up and it may turn into freezing rain and then rain - back to freezing rain - and then well below freezing temps.
That's what makes getting around quite hard in the aftermath.
But there isn't anywhere I have to be so I'm staying put.
Well, I gave in and took Betsy out for a run.
We really got lucky with this storm as it moved north away from the coast and they're getting a ton of snow up there.
Here, it was drifted a bit, but only about 20 cm (8").
I have a long driveway and sidewalk so it made more sense to use Betsy rather than muscle it out of the way.
Unless more comes later, I was no big deal at all.
Hey, Carl: I should have called you. We're fine.......and packing for the trip!! Whoo, Hooo!! Be down your way soon, and I WILL call you this weekend. Just been a bit crazy with the weather and a lot of other things..............all's well, and I'll let you know when we talk. Lord, but I HATE the snow and cold.......................make sure that the heat is on in Florida!!

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