
You got it Key.
T-Bone or Rib-Eye?
Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
If any of you had seen the movie "sleeper", you'd know that it will soon be discovered that cooking like that is MUCH healthier than veggies and fruit and all that !
What's SCRAPPLE??? I'm moving South - I luuurrrvvv that food! My rear-end doesn't though!
Well......Canadians also have bagged milk!!
That biscuits and gravy should be sausage gravy.
But Iced Tea is supposed to be tea with ice in it...like the name. Sun Tea is tea made by way of sitting it out in the sun in a large bottle of water and tea bags. I prefer Sweet Tea which is basically sweetened iced tea.
There's only one place on Earth that makes a proper cheesesteak however.......... and that's in Philadelphia.
I also love Quebecois (Quebec Canada) cooking..... like their special way of doing rotisserie chicken with toast and sauce.
Iced Tea is supposed to be tea with ice in it...like the name. Sun Tea is tea made by way of sitting it out in the sun in a large bottle of water and tea bags. I prefer Sweet Tea which is basically sweetened iced tea.
I just saw that scrapple on food network this weekend. Guy from diners drive ins and dives stopped at a place that featured it. made it from scratch too.