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I am BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! You missed me? :y2:

Actually very, very flattered by the concern, I did text Carl last evening late ....storms way norht of us, some tornado watches and warnings but no nothing more than rain AGAIN here. We did not get internet till this morning. AAAAANNNNNDDDD We also found out Shannons daughter had an 8lb 3 oz. bouncing healthy baby boy at 3:00 this morning. She and baby (and Dad) are doing well, they live in the Fl. Keys....far from current storms.
I am shopping for an electric 4 wheeler now for this one just like I got Caleb for Christmas......gotta get these boys riding early.....I see my own MotoGP team in the future!!!!!!
I cant help
I have granddaughters.
cant see them winning any races on this

My 16 year plan for MotoGP domination is starting to come together......hhaa haaa haaaa ha WORLD DOMINATION!
--I need help---

Get them signed up very early at 10% off the top. When they're young that doesn't much but how would you like 10% of Rossi? Now I can be your confidential advisor for 10% off the top of your bit. See I've already earned my money with this advice.:y2:

What's going on? I've been checking my bank and nothing deposited from your side.SAD

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