99 Trophy 1200 wont rev

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I have a 1999 1200 Trophy. The bike has run great but recently it got to where it will not rev at all. It started up and ran fine after being stored through the winter but then shortly after got so it would just go flat after idle. I cleaned the carbs, replaced spark plugs and checked things out. I replaced the fuel etc and checked spark to all cylinders. It will start and idle okay, but as soon as it gets to 3-4K rpm it starts sputtering and wont rev beyond that. Wondering if it might be an ECU issue. Any ideas?
I'm thinking fuel starvation.
you say you cleaned the carbs ,did you blow out the jets and check the float levels.
Also,did you check the fuel lines and petcocks and any inline filters.
Yeah....Trophy fuel cap venting is an issue after they got some years on them. Remove the cap and dismantle/clean things up.

If not there, then there's a vacuum problem or the fuel petcock diaphragm is going bad.
Yeah....Trophy fuel cap venting is an issue after they got some years on them. Remove the cap and dismantle/clean things up.

If not there, then there's a vacuum problem or the fuel petcock diaphragm is going bad.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I removed all pilot jets to make sure they were clean. I am currently running the bike with the tank off and fuel fed from an auxilary tank that hangs on the bars that I use for working on bikes. It still goes flat in the mid range. I thought fuel starvation too- and also thinking that the CV diaphragms may not be working but it does not seem to be that. when it gets off idle, the slides raise up, but then when it starts to miss they start clattering and vibrating up and down a bit. That is why I wondered if ECU could cause a problem like this.

When I first got the bike I found that one of the spark plug cavities was full of oil so I thought that was the problem. I replaced the valve cover gasket and spark plugs and it still does the same thing. All plugs seem to be firing okay.
Ok....wasn't aware of those details.

A common problem with Trophys (due to people not replacing the heat shield properly over the engine) are fried coils. They tend to go gradually causing varied problems.

Another is an iffy crank position sensor although that usually causes the bike to not start when it's warm.

ECU troubles do happen but are pretty rare. I have seen them on EBay before but would wonder if they are good or not.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Thank you. It could be that there is enough spark to get the engine running but not enough to rev it out. I do not have a shop manual. What is the best way to check the coils and is there a non-dealer option for parts?
I think that just about covers the fuel delivery then as apart from the carbs,you are running a tempory independant system.

Just a totally wild thought,there isnt an obstruction in the air supply is there,no rats,mice or birds made a winter home in the filter or airbox etc?
I think that just about covers the fuel delivery then as apart from the carbs,you are running a tempory independant system.

Just a totally wild thought,there isnt an obstruction in the air supply is there,no rats,mice or birds made a winter home in the filter or airbox etc?

The airbox is currently off. Flow from the exhaust seems to be sufficient so I dont think there is a blockage there.
My 96 has never needed any tampering at all with the carbs and it would be a rare thing for yours to need any.

I suggest you look in the TriumphTalk Wiki under Trophy 900/1200 for info about the coils. There are aftermarket ones.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
just a thought !! when i had my trophy i had trouble with rough running at low rpm , it turned out that my trophy would only run smooth with the coils wired up the wrong way round ! :y4:
in other words positive earth ( swap the wires on the coil ) worth a try !

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